Government of Stoltenberg I

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The Stoltenberg I government formed the government of the Kingdom of Norway from March 17, 2000 to October 19, 2001 and was led by Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg ( Arbeiderpartiet , Ap).

Department minister Period Political party
Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg Ap
Exterior Thorbjørn Jagland Ap
defense Bjørn Tore Godal Ap
economy and trade Grete Knudsen Ap
Finances Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen Ap
Work and administration Jørgen Kosmo until October 5, 2001 Ap
Sylvia Brustad (acting) from October 5, 2001 Ap
Municipalities and regions Sylvia Brustad Ap
Social and health (social area) Guri Ingebrigtsen Ap
Social and health ( health sector ) Tore Tønne Ap
Transport and communication Terje Moe Gustavsen Ap
fishing Otto Gregussen Ap
Development aid in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anne Kristin Sydnes Ap
environmental Protection Siri Bjerke Ap
Agriculture Bjarne Håkon Hanssen Ap
Justice and Police Hanne Harlem Ap
Children and family Karita Bekkemellem Orheim Ap
Oil and energy Olav Akselsen Ap
Church, Education and Research Trond Giske Ap
Culture Ellen Horn Ap

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  • Noregs regjeringar. Statsrådar, statssekretærar, politiske rådgjevarar , ed. from the State Chancellery, Oslo 2003