Imperial broadcaster Vienna

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The Reichssender Vienna was a radio station in Vienna in the era of National Socialism .

After the annexation of Austria , the Reichsender Wien was founded in 1938 as the successor to Radio Verkehrs AG . He was subordinate to the German Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft (RRG).

The German Reich Post took over on April 1, 1939, the transmitting equipment RAVAG. With the ordinance on extraordinary broadcasting measures , from September 1st ( beginning of the war ) in the Greater German Reich there was a ban on listening to " enemy broadcasters ", violations of this could result in prison, and in special cases for news dissemination even the death penalty.

After the start of the air raids on Vienna in March 1944, the station broadcast so-called air situation reports every hour . He used the "cuckoo call" as a warning signal for air raids.

On January 14, 1945, the Wiener Funkhaus was bombed. On April 6, 1945 the last broadcast of the Reichsender Wien took place. A week later, during the Battle of Vienna , the Bisamberg transmitter was blown up by soldiers of the Wehrmacht .

See also


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Individual evidence

  1. The "cuckoo" - pre-warning of air raids on cities and air raid siren. 1944/45 Austrian Media Library, Audiovisual Archive Technical Museum Vienna. Retrieved November 4, 2019.