Requiem (Bruckner)

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The Requiem in D minor ( WAB 39) is Anton Bruckner's setting of the Latin Requiem text, composed in 1848 and 1849. It is his first major composition and at the same time his first score with orchestra. The inspiration for the composition was the death of his patron Franz Seiler , who was secretary in the St. Florian monastery near Linz and to whom the work is dedicated. Bruckner revised the Requiem twice, in 1854 and 1894.

The work that Bruckner composed as the 25-year-old organist in Sankt Florian is still in the tradition of Viennese classical music ; Like the classical Requiem settings by Mozart , Kraus and Cherubini , Bruckner's Requiem is in D minor, but changes to D major in the final “Lux Perpetua” .


I. Introit : Requiem aeternam

II. Sequence : Dies irae

III. Offertory :

  1. Domine Jesus Christe
  2. Hostias et preces
  3. Quam olim Abrahae

IV. Sanctus

V. Benedictus

VI. Agnus Dei

VII. Communion :

  1. Requiem aeternam
  2. Cum sanctis tuis

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. St. Florian on, with information on the relationship between Franz Seiler and Anton Bruckner