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Revascularization ( Latin re "again" and vasculum "small vessel" , also revascularization ) describes the restoration of the blood flow in a tissue or an improvement in the blood flow.

This can be a physiological process, for example the re-sprouting of capillaries into an infarct area , or an interventional one . The latter case occurs, among other things, after an angioplasty on narrowed vessels, a bypass operation or surgical measures to improve blood circulation, such as the Pridie drilling in the articular cartilage.

If a closed vessel is caused by thrombolysis or z. B. Thrombendarterectomy again (partially) continuous, one speaks of recanalization or recanalization .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Willibald Pschyrembel : Clinical Dictionary , 266th, updated edition, de Gruyter, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-11-033997-0, keyword revascularization
  2. ^ Entry on revascularization in the Flexikon , a Wiki of the DocCheck company

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