Ritual magic

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Ritual magic is the practice of rituals for magical purposes.

Virtually all magical traditions involve ritualized forms of magic . As in Hermetic or Solomonic magic, this can be highly complex, combined with a script-like sequence and many prescribed utensils such as a sword, a staff, a robe and a censer and the like, and take up most or all of the magical practice, or as in shamanism or chaos magic, it can only be a more elaborate form of intuitive, formless magical practices.

In contrast to religious or social rituals, magical rituals are not necessarily repeated on fixed occasions in the same or similar form, although many magicians are careful to perform their rituals at times that, according to astrological or kabbalistic points of view, serve the hoped-for goal of the ritual-magical act should be. In addition, there are always elements and symbols that appear again and again within a ritual tradition, for example striking a protective circle or invoking the elements . As with religious or social rituals, the rituals of magic are usually performed in special places, a temple or a place in nature that is supposed to have a special charisma.


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