Robert Pulcini

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Robert Pulcini (born August 24, 1964 in New York City ) is an American film director , screenwriter and film editor .


Pulcini graduated from Rutgers University . In 1994 he married Shari Springer Berman , with whom he has worked closely on all of his film projects ever since. Initially, the two of them staged several documentary projects from 1997 until the 2000s. In 2003, American Splendor, her first feature film, followed. For this they wrote the script together, as well as for the majority of the following projects. In 2004 the two were nominated for the Oscar in the category Best Adapted Screenplay and won numerous other prizes.

Her follow-up project was initially the documentary Wanderlust from 2006, after which they made the films Nanny Diaries (2007), The Last Gentleman (2010), Cinema Verite - Dasreal Leben (2011) and There Is No Place Like Home (2012) . New York Saints followed in 2015 . Pulcini also worked as editor for all productions.

Filmography (selection)

Awards (selection)

Web links