Roland Kaltenegger

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Roland Kaltenegger (* 1941 ) is a German author on military history topics.

The trained librarian was a member of the 1st mountain division of the Bundeswehr . He has emerged as the author of numerous books and hundreds of specialist articles on topics of military history. He also devoted himself to topics of contemporary European history.

His writings, which often appear in the right-wing extremist scene, have apologetic intentions. According to Eberhard Rondholz , Kaltenegger as an author “expressly acknowledged the art of omission, allegedly so as not to exceed the size of a normal book. But this art of omission fell victim above all to everything that could have disturbed the veterans when they remembered past heroic deeds. "

Fonts (selection)

  • Tito's prisoners of war. Torture camps, hunger marches and show trials. Leopold Stocker Verlag, Graz 2001, ISBN 9783702009175
  • War in the Arctic. Operations of the Lapland Army 1942–1945. Stocker Verlag, Graz / Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-7020-1018-1
  • Operation "Alpine Fortress". The last secret of the “Third Reich”. Herbig, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-7766-2431-0
  • Lieutenant General Walter Stettner Ritter von Grabenhofen. From alpine corps fighter in World War I to bearer of the Knight's Cross in World War II. Verlag Flechsig, Würzburg 2014, ISBN 978-3-8035-0050-2

Individual evidence

  1. The Crimes of the Mountaineers. In: Deutschlandfunk Online.