Roman Laurentius Dorazil

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Roman Laurentius Dorazil (born August 9, 1737 in Grüssau , † after 1798 probably in Schweinitz near Grünberg ) was a German sculptor of the late baroque .


Roman Laurentius Dorazil was the eldest son of the sculptor and plasterer Anton Dorazil , who worked in Grüssau as head of the sculpture workshop that he had taken over from his master Ferdinand Maximilian Brokoff . Roman Laurentius learned sculpting and carpentry from his father and then worked in his workshop. Since he was probably too young to be his possible successor at the time of his father's death or did not come close to his artistic talent, the workshop management was assigned to the sculptor Joseph Anton Lachel , who also came from Bohemiatransfer. This workshop is also called III. Grüssau sculptor's workshop, succeeding their directors Brokoff (1st workshop) and Anton Dorazil (2nd workshop).

Roman Laurentius Dorazil continued to work with his future brother-in-law Joseph Anton Lachel even after his father's death. Both created further interior fittings for the Grüssau collegiate church.

Roman Laurentius Dorazil is recorded as a sculptor in Grünberg for 1771 and as a resident in Schweinitz near Grünberg for 1785. He was last mentioned in the church book of the Catholic Church Schweinitz in the death entry of his wife Eleonore on May 7, 1798.

His works were influenced by both his father and Joseph Anton Lachel and are well crafted. It is believed that he created other works in Northern Lower Silesia that could not yet be ascribed to him.


  • Interior fittings for the monastery church in Grüssau ( together with Lachel )
  • Schömberg , interior fittings for the Catholic parish church ( together with Lachel )
  • Schmiedeberg , Prayer House Church: pulpit, altar, organ prospect ( together with Lachel )
  • Prittag near Grünberg, Protestant church: pulpit
