Rudolf Stockmann

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Rudolf Stockmann (* in the 16th century in Antwerp , † 1622 in Rostock ) was a Dutch sculptor .

Rudolf Stockmann was probably born in or around Antwerp. The next trace of him can be found in Rostock, where the pulpits of the Jakobi, Petri and Marienkirche are ascribed to him. He also created numerous epitaphs . However, the Renaissance wooden pulpit in St. Mary's Church dates back to 1574, which means that Stockmann can actually be ruled out, as he can only be traced back to Rostock from 1577. To what extent he was involved in the construction of the pulpit can therefore not be said. Contribution or later revision could be the reason for believing that he created it.

Pulpit in the Marienkirche Rostock

Individual evidence

  1. Soffner: St. Mary's Church Rostock , p. 16