Rudolph Loewenstein

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Rudolph Loewenstein

Rudolph Maurice Loewenstein (born January 17, 1898 in Łódź , Russian Empire , † April 14, 1976 in New York ) was a French-American psychoanalyst . Together with Heinz Hartmann and Ernst Kris he formed the triumvirate of psychoanalytic ego psychology . In a large number of co-authored articles, they refined and expanded psychoanalytic theories.

After studying medicine in Zurich , Loewenstein went to Berlin and from there to Paris in 1926, where he became the training analyst for numerous French psychoanalysts, including Jacques Lacan . In 1937 he analyzed Raymond de Saussure for two years . In 1939 he was drafted into the French army as a military doctor and fled to the United States after the 1940 armistice. In New York City he was involved in the International Psychoanalytic Association , of which he was Vice President from 1965 to 1967.

Fonts (selection)

  • Origine du masochisme et la théorie des pulsions , 1938
  • The vital or somatic drives , 1940
  • Psychoanalysis de l'Antisemitisme , 1952 (German psychoanalysis of anti-Semitism )
  • Zs. With Heinz Hartmann and Ernst Kris: Notes on the theory of aggressions , 1949
  • On the psychoanalysis of the black masses , Imago 9 (1923) pp. 73-82


  • Loewenstein, Rudolph , in: Élisabeth Roudinesco ; Michel Plon: Dictionary of Psychoanalysis: Names, Countries, Works, Terms . Translation. Vienna: Springer, 2004, ISBN 3-211-83748-5 , pp. 633f.

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