SLA Industries

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SLA Industries is a science fiction - RPG in a distant future where a single large company has placed at the head of humanity in space.

Content and rules

The players embody 'operational', employees of this company and do the often violent "dirty work" of the group. In this respect, SLA Industries is similar to the game Shadowrun , but here the players take on the part of the "other side". Another special feature is the role of the media. The actions of the Operatives are often broadcast on television and must therefore often be staged in a media-effective manner in order to gain prestige, more money and a higher level of security in the company. This is supported, for example, by the fact that the costs for ammunition are very high, so that close-range combat, which is more TV-laden, is promoted. In addition, SLA Industries is characterized by the so-called 'truth'. The corporation and the whole game world is covered by a dark secret that the players only reveal very slowly and confusingly. This is promoted by strong competition from the only areas of the group as well as by powerful secret services and control bodies, as well as by often unknown motivations behind the individual orders.

Material and development

The role-playing game was first published in 1993 by Nightfall Games in Glasgow , Scotland. So far it has only been published in English by Hogshead Publishing and Wizards of the Coast . Nightfall Games has continued to produce the system since the beginning of 2011 and data packets , regular smaller and cheaper PDF products appear. New source books have also been announced.

Source books

  • SLA Industries - Basic Rules, 1993
  • Karma, 1994
  • Mort, 1995
  • The Contract Directory, 2001
  • CS 1 (= "Cannibal Sector One"), 2007
  • Hunter Sheets, 2007
  • Hunter Sheets 2, 2011


  • Key of Delhyread

Game aids

  • Gamemasters Pack

Data Packets (pdf)

  • Ursa Carrien
  • Click's end
  • Hunter Sheets 2 (in smaller parts)