Sacha Pitoëff

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Sacha Pitoëff (born March 11, 1920 in Geneva , Switzerland , † July 21, 1990 in Paris ) was a French director and actor .


Sacha Pitoëff was born in Geneva as the son of the legendary theater couple Georges and Ludmilla Pitoëff . Between 1951 and 1981 he appeared in almost 60 film and television productions, most of which are remembered for Alain Resnais ' film Last Year in Marienbad . Other film works include The Prize and Is Paris Burning? . His lean figure with serious charisma set him in the cinema mainly for supporting roles of a gloomy nature. He had one of his last cinema appearances in 1980 as a mysterious antiques dealer in Dario Argento's horror film Horror Infernal .

As a theater director, he was considered an institution in France, especially with the staging of plays by the authors Luigi Pirandello and Anton Chekhov . In addition to his wife Luce Garcia-Ville, who died in 1975, he also cast Romy Schneider ("The Seagull") and Claude Jade ("Heinrich IV") at the Théâtre Moderne .

Filmography (selection)

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