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Saperawi grapes

Saperavi (also Saperavi , Georgian საფერავი ) is a red wine obtained from the Alasani -Tal in the region Kachetien in East Georgia originates. The Alasani Valley is located between the Greater Caucasus and the Tsiv-Gombori Mountains, which in Georgian means roughly cold mountains . The brightly colored and acidic grapes with reddish flesh are particularly suitable as dye grapes . Even with a blend of 30% white wine, the resulting wines are still bright red.

The very late maturing, mostly low-yielding variety is fairly resistant to the genuine and downy mildew , and against frost. It is therefore well suited for cultivation in cold winter areas.

The vine is widespread in almost all wine-growing countries of the former USSR ( Armenia , Azerbaijan , Moldova , Tajikistan , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan ), in some Eastern European countries (Bulgaria, Romania), in New York and in Canada . The red wines can age for more than 30 years. Saperawi is also often used as a table grape . In Georgia it is also pressed by single variety, on the Crimean peninsula it is used to make Yuzhnobereschni and Crimean red sparkling wine . In certain wine-growing areas, the base wine is also distilled into brandy . A well-known Georgian quality wine made from 100% Saperawi is Kindzmarauli . In the areas, the varieties are Martali Saperawi (this should be the highest quality species), Tchwili Saperawi , Mamali Saperwi , Dedali Saperawi and the Saperawi Budetschuri . In the new breeds Bastardo Magaratchsky , Roubinovy ​​Magaratcha and Saperawi Severni it was used as part of the cross.

Synonyms: Didi Saperavi , Patara Saperavi , Saperaibi , Saperave Moklemtewana , Sapervi , Saperavi Budesuri Seburi , Saperavi Didtana Kwaviliani , Saperavi Martwalmitweni , Saperavi Nischwilmari Twala , Sapewi, Sapiramica Major , Sapperawi , Scaperawi , Scoperawi .

See also: Viticulture in Bulgaria , Viticulture in Georgia , Viticulture in Moldova , Viticulture in Romania , Viticulture in Canada , Viticulture in the United States, as well as the list of grape varieties
