Saul Zaks

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Saul Zaks (born February 19, 1961 in Buenos Aires ) is an Argentine conductor and music teacher.

In 1995 Zaks graduated from the Det Jyske Conservatory of Music in the subjects of music theory, music history and conducting. He then studied early music in Oxford with Andrew Parrott and continued his training as a conductor with Jorma Panula in Helsinki and Jin Wang in Gothenburg and from 1997–98 at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance with Mendi Rodán .

From 1996 to 1997 Zaks taught at the Det Jyske Conservatory of Music and the Musicological Institute of the University of Copenhagen . He then worked as a teacher and conductor at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and the Israel Arts and Science Academy until 2001 . In 2002 he returned to Denmark, where, in addition to teaching, he worked for the Ministry of Education and founded the Syddansk Universitets Symfoniorkester . 2006–07 he took on a visiting professorship for choral conducting at the Universidad de Buenos Aires .

As a conductor, Zaks led several choirs (including in Jerusalem) a. a. the Jerusalem Kaprizma Ensemble for Contemporary Music , the Haifa Symphony Orchestra , the Ensemble for contemporary music of the Jerusalem Academy of Music , the Israel Science and Arts Academy Symphony Orchestra as well as the L´Académie Européene de Chant Choral and the Orchester de Chambre National de Toulouse . He founded the Amarodolce Chamber Orchestra (1994), the Jerusalem Instrumental Ensemble (1998) and the ARoS Camerata & Vocal Ensemble (2001) and has been the guest conductor of the Danish Radio Choir.

Zaks worked a. a. with the composer Ariel Ramírez and the singer Mercedes Sosa . At the Dacapo label he worked as a choir conductor on the recordings of Asger Hamerick's Requiem (2002) and Choral Symphony (2005) (both under the direction of Thomas Dausgaard ).
