
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term dinosaur ( Greek  σαῦρος sauros , lizard ',' salamander ') generally stands for the larger fossil amphibians (e.g. Stegocephalia ) and reptiles , in the narrower sense for the sometimes huge reptiles of the Mesozoic Era , especially dinosaurs , ichthyosaurs , sauropterygia and Pterosaurs .

See also:

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz Clemens Werner : Word elements of Latin-Greek technical terms in the biological sciences (=  Suhrkamp Taschenbuch . Volume 64 ). 1st edition. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt a. M. 1972, p. 364 .
  2. ^ Ulrich Lehmann : Paleontological Dictionary . 4th edition. Enke Verlag , Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-432-83574-4 , p. 209 .

further reading