Treasures of the deep

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Treasures of the depth by Hans Dominik is a technical-scientific future story. It appeared in 1919 in the annual book series " Das Neue Universum " (Volume 40) and in the collection of short stories by Hans Dominik "Ein neue Paradies", published in 1977 by Heyne Verlag as paperback no. 3562.


The First World War is lost and coal is scarce in Germany. Hans Dominik lets Professor Meißner point out that the world's coal reserves will be exhausted in about a thousand years at the latest. A new source of energy is needed. Engineer Rudolf Engelhardt has a bold idea: There should be a huge carbide deposit under the rock layers of the earth's surface . A shaft is being drilled into those depths. A rich gold deposit is also discovered, which is used to secure the financing of the shaft. After seven years, they actually encounter the predicted carbide bearing, which is set to replace coal in the future.