Schepenupet I.

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Name of Schepenupet I.
Throne name
Hiero Ca1.svg
i mn
G17 W9 F34
Hiero Ca2.svg
Chnem (et) -ib-Amun
ẖnm (t) -jb-Jmn
Mistress of the two countries, who embodies the will of Amun
Proper name
Hiero Ca1.svg
G14 N36 N37
p Z9
Hiero Ca2.svg
(Schep en upet)
Šp (n) wp (t)

Schepenupet I. (also Schepenwepet I. ) carried as the daughter of Pharaoh Osorkon III. around 754 to 714 BC During the 23rd Dynasty ( Third Intermediate Period ) the ancient Egyptian title " Consort of Amun ".

Schepenupets I adopted daughter of Amenirdis I , sister of Pije , was born around 740 BC. Used by this as the second "consort of God". During her tenure, the Temple of Osiris - Lord of Eternity - was built in the temple district of Karnak . Both names are mentioned on a stone vessel inscription next to a certain Namilt .

See also


  • Thomas Schneider : Lexicon of the Pharaohs . Albatros, Düsseldorf 2002, ISBN 3-491-96053-3 , p. 247 .
  • Erhart Graefe : Studies on the administration and history of the institution of the wife of God of Amun from the beginning of the New Kingdom to the late period. two volumes In: Ägyptologische Abhandlungen. (ÄA) Volume 37, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1981, ISBN 3-447-02174-8 .
  • Jürgen von Beckerath : Handbook of the Egyptian king names. (= Munich Egyptological Studies. (MÄS) Volume 49). 2nd, improved and expanded edition, von Zabern, Mainz 1999, ISBN 3-8053-2591-6 , p. 198.