Schlag (forestry)

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Clear cutting in the Bavarian Alps
The branches of the trees are often left behind in the forest

A stroke is a forest area, an on Hiebs- or taper action takes place in a concentrated form.

The term “Schlag” was coined in the German-speaking area around the beginning of modern times , when the single log or plenter-like use of wood , which had been common up to that point , began to lose importance due to the introduction of forest regulations. The background to this development are degenerative phenomena , which are a consequence of this unregulated use with steadily increasing demand for wood, which exceeded the growth potential of a forest area. This overexploitation was caused by the early industrialization ( e.g. forest glass and charcoal production ) and the general population growth.

Through the introduction of forest regulations, large forest areas were divided into smaller "fields", the management of which was clear and therefore plannable and more sustainable . Closely associated with this, especially since the 19th century by the emergence of forestry and forest management , the development of clear-felling high forest that even today the commercial forests of Central Europe dominant mode . Basic forms of forest management are clear cutting and umbrella cutting ; there are different variants of these forms of operation .

further reading

  • Peter Burschel and Jürgen Huss: Outline of silviculture. A guide for study and practice . 2nd, revised and expanded edition. Parey, Berlin. 1999. ISBN 3-8263-3045-5
  • Peter Sieder: Applied silviculture, silvicultural systems and strategies . Shaker. 2003. ISBN 3-8322-2229-4

Individual evidence

  1. The Kosmos Forest and Forest Lexicon . 2002. Stuttgart. P. 641. ISBN 3-44009316-6
  2. a b c Peter Burschel and Jürgen Huss: Ground plan of the silviculture. A guide for study and practice . 2nd, revised and expanded edition. Parey, Berlin. 1999. pp. 104f. ISBN 3-8263-3045-5