Schwabacher article

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The Schwabach Articles are one of the earliest Lutheran confessional writings .

Originally, thus article referred to the Margrave George of Brandenburg-Ansbach on 14 June 1528 with the Nurembergers to Schwabach (in a to June 24, held from 14th session) under the name of the Schwabacher Visitation Article firmly set as the basis for the introduction of Reformation in his country. The Ansbach visitation commission included Johann Rurer , the Ansbach clergyman Althammer, the Heilsbronn prior Joh. Schopper and the Crailsheim pastor Adam Weiß.

Later the name was used for 17 articles, a joint confession of Ansbacher and Wittenberg theologians. These articles were created after the protest in Speyer at the suggestion of Margrave Georg von Brandenburg-Ansbach, who wanted to strengthen the alliance policy of the Lutheran imperial estates against Emperor Charles V through a joint confession . The articles were written by Philipp Melanchthon in the summer of 1529 with the assistance of Martin Luther . At the convent in Schwabach from October 16 to 19, 1529 in the Goldener Stern inn on Schwabach market square, the Saxon side presented them to the representatives of the Upper German cities as federal conditions. The articles deal with doctrine of the Trinity , Christology , original sin , doctrine of justification , doctrine of the sacraments , ecclesiology and eschatology . The Schwabach articles, together with the Torgau articles, became the basis of the Confessio Augustana .


  • Wolf-Dieter Hauschild: Textbook of church and dogma history. Volume 2: Reformation and Modern Times . 3. Edition. Chr. Kaiser, Gütersloh 2005, ISBN 3-579-00094-2 .
  • Johann Heinrich Schülin: Fränckische Reformations-Geschichte, which hold in themselves, a good report, of which Onoltzbach and Schwobach religious articles, bit on the time of the handing over of the Augsburg Confession. Wolfgang Moritz Endter's daughters and Julius Arnold Engelbrecht's widow, Nuremberg 1731.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the development of the city of Neustadt an der Aisch until 1933. Ph. C. W. Schmidt, Neustadt a. d. Aisch 1950, OCLC 42823280 ; New edition to mark the 150th anniversary of the Ph. C. W. Schmidt publishing house, Neustadt an der Aisch 1828–1978. Ibid 1978, ISBN 3-87707-013-2 , p. 186.