Service historique de la Defense

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The Service historique de la Défense ( SHD ) is the central archive of the French Ministry of Defense and the French Army . It was created by law of January 17, 2005.


The SHD, a service with national responsibility, is affiliated to the “direction de la mémoire, du patrimoine et des archives”, one of the directorates of the “Secrétariat général pour l'administration” (SGA) of the French Ministry of Defense.

The SHD includes

  • the Center historique des archives in Vincennes and
  • the Center des archives de l'armement et du personnel in Châtellerault .

The SHD stores a total of 300 kilometers of racking archives, of which 100 km in Vincennes and 70 km in Châtellerault. This makes the SHD the second largest archive in France.

The SHD also has one of the most important libraries in France. It comprises more than a million volumes (16th to 20th centuries) and specializes in military history. In addition to rare editions and magnificent volumes , it preserves numerous manuscripts (including the geography booklet of the student Louis XVI ) and originals of old maps and plans.


  • Community of editors: Guide des archives de la bibliothèque , SHAA, 2001 (2nd edition)
  • Agnès Chablat-Beylot: Les archives du service historique de l'armée de l'air , 1994


The equivalent of the SHD in Germany is the Federal Archives-Military Archives in Freiburg; After reunification, this was also taken over by the Potsdam military archive , the military archive of the GDR. For more details see the military archive .

Web links


  1. 2005-36
  2. fr: Service à compétence nationale