Service point for municipalities in one world

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The Service Agency for Municipalities in One World (SKEW), founded in Bonn in 2001 and later integrated as a department into Engagement Global gGmbH , is a competence center for municipal development policy in Germany. Financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the federal states, the SKEW promotes the development policy engagement of cities, municipalities and districts.

With the 2030 Agenda adopted in September 2015, municipal involvement in development and sustainability policy gained in importance and was explicitly demanded politically. SKEW supports municipalities in Germany and in the Global South with information, advice and qualification on issues of municipal development policy.

Subject areas and tasks

The Service Point for Municipalities in One World advises, informs and supports municipalities in the following areas:

Globally sustainable community

SKEW supports municipalities in developing and implementing municipal sustainability strategies. With information and specialist events, it promotes local development policy commitment to implement the 2030 Agenda .

Migration and Development at the Local Level

The Service Point for Communities in One World promotes cooperation between communities and migrant organizations. Many associations and other migrant institutions are involved in development policy. The aim of the SKEW is to make this commitment more visible and usable.

Fair trade and fair procurement

Fair trade is effective development cooperation and at the same time promotes local communities. Municipalities can support the goals of fair trade by buying fair trade products and foregoing goods that are manufactured through exploitative child labor or in violation of minimum social standards. As public clients, they have the economic potential and are role models for citizens. The service point therefore provides advice on the procurement process and holds information events on fair trade .

Municipal partnerships and international development policy relationships with municipalities

The SKEW supports development cooperation between municipalities in Germany and the Global South . Municipal partnerships make significant contributions to the global transfer of know-how for sustainable development, promote understanding for one another and can exist as sustainable partnerships or project partnerships. The SKEW supports the establishment and expansion of municipal partnerships with networking and funding measures.


The Service Point for Communities in One World organizes workshops, meetings and conferences and supports topic-related networks. It also offers personal and financial support, for example through the project “Sustainable municipal development through partnership projects” (Nakopa) to promote municipal project partnerships between German municipalities and municipalities in the Global South.

With the competitions “ Capital of Fair Trade ” and “Municipality Moves the World”, the service point honors  good practices of committed municipalities in the fields of fair trade as well as migration and development on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The services offered by the service point in the area of ​​“Local involvement in the context of the 2030 Agenda” are bundled in the “Global - Local: 2030 Agenda VerOrten” project. In 2018, the State Secretaries' Committee for Sustainable Development recognized this as a flagship project for the German Sustainability Strategy for 2018.

The SKEW provides information via various Internet portals (for example on the “Community Know-How Initiative for the Middle East” or the cooperation projects “Compass Sustainability” and “Connective Cities”), the monthly newsletter “One World News”, series of publications, guidelines and studies about offers and current topics of local development policy.

With the campaign “Kommunal Globally Engagiert” and the “Small Project Fund”, the SKEW particularly recruits newcomers who are not yet or barely active in development policy.

Shareholding structure

The Service Agency for Communities in One World is based on a broad participation structure made up of a program advisory board and commission. The program advisory board has an advisory role to the SKEW and makes recommendations for the conception and development of its offers. The program commission is determined by the program advisory board and accompanies the implementation of the SKEW program during the year.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Fröhlich, Katrin and Lämmlin, Bernd: Municipal development policy in Germany: Study on the development policy engagement of German cities, municipalities and districts. German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn 2009, ISBN 978-3-88985-419-3 , (PDF; 2.5 MB), accessed on September 5, 2017
  2. German Association of Cities: Thinking ahead about municipal development cooperation. An interjection on the occasion of the anniversaries of Engagement Global and its service point Communities in One World. In: German Association of Cities. Retrieved April 4, 2019 .
  3. ^ Jens Martens, Wolfgang Obenland: Global Policy Forum, terre des hommes. February 2016 (PDF file). Retrieved July 28, 2017
  4. Stefan Wilhelmy, Ulrich Held: The connection between migration and development from a municipal perspective in: Migration and development. Dossier. , Heinrich Boell Foundation, Berlin 2008, p. 67ff (PDF file)
  5. Michael von Hauff, Katja Claus: Fair Trade . Ed .: utb. 3. Edition. 2018, ISBN 978-3-8252-4969-4 , pp. 267 .
  6. Partners for one world - design and use of communal partnerships. In: Dialog Global No. 9. Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW), accessed on April 4, 2019 .
  7. Acceptance and innovative solutions. Municipal network brings development policy actors and administrations together in efforts to integrate. (Press release) Portal German countries in development policy.
  8. Support from the Nakopa project. Sustainable municipal development through partnership projects. In: Service Agency for Communities in One World. Retrieved April 4, 2019 .
  9. ↑ The community moves the world. Retrieved April 4, 2019 .
  10. BMZ press release: Lighthouse project: International sustainable development begins in the municipalities. Federal government honors BMZ initiative. Retrieved April 4, 2019 .
  11. Advisory Board and Commission. Website of the Service Agency Communities in One World, accessed on September 5, 2017