Shyaam aMbul aNgoong

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Shyaam aMbul aNgoong (also Shamba Bolongongo , sometimes nicknamed the Great ), is the founder of the Cuba Federation in Central Africa , in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo . He ruled as king around 1625-1640.

According to tradition, he was the son of a slave . At a young age he traveled west and gained extensive knowledge during his stay in foreign countries. By around 1620 he had established trade contacts with the Kingdom of the Congo and the Atlantic coast . He agreed that Cuba under the leadership of those he built the Bushoong - dynasty . Before the 17th century, the Cuban political system was a mixture of chiefdoms , of which the Bushoong were one. In order to achieve his goals, he was not averse to warrespectively. His achievements are considered so extraordinary that the Cuba believed he had magical powers. The list of innovations that he is said to have introduced is long: oil palm , production of palm wine , carvings , methods for efficient administration , the ceremonial Ikul sword , clothing made from raphia fibers such as the typical bushoong headgear, grating drum or the board game "Lyell" . He also introduced high-yield crops of South American origin, especially corn , tobacco and cassava .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Fred S. Kleiner: Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History , Verlag Cengage Learning, 2015, ISBN 9781305544840 , p. 551 [1]
  2. John Middleton: Encyclopedia of Africa south of the Sahara, Volume 4 ISBN 9780684804668 , C. Scribner's Sons , 1997, ISBN 9780684804668 , p. 76 [2]
  3. a b c d Alisa LaGamma: Heroic Africans: Legendary Leaders, Iconic Sculptures , Metropolitan Museum of Art , 2011 ISBN 9781588394323 p. 164 [3]
  4. ^ A b c Henri JM Claessen, Peter Skalnik (Ed.): The Early State , Walter de Gruyter , 1978, ISBN 9783110813326 , p. 376 [4]