Settlement colony

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Settlement colonies were a form of colonization that emerged at the time of the European colonial empires. There was an increasing distinction between settlement colonies and other colonies.

Settlement colonies were supposed to absorb the birth surplus of the mother country, and not infrequently also to defuse social tensions in the mother country by making it easier to set up a business. But they could also accommodate penal colonies. The extent to which the pre-population was displaced depends not least on the duration of colonial rule and the subsequent immigrant states (not to be confused with the term immigration country ). Some former settlement colonies are now states with European nationals outside Europe. In others, the pre-population remained in the majority and is now a state people . In settlement colonies that had become independent as immigrant states, settlers from countries other than the former motherland often settled, especially those who had no or only late colonies themselves, as well as members of oppressed minorities . This is especially true for the USA and Argentina . In relation to the state of its current national territory at the beginning of the 20th century, Israel is also a settlement colony that has become independent as an immigrant state , even if the immigration of the persecuted European Jews into the League of Nations mandate for Palestine took place against the will of the British mandate power.

The remaining colonies were acquired for reasons of power politics. Their economy was geared towards the interests of the mother country with little or no immigration .

In some Caribbean countries the pre-population was displaced less by the colonizers themselves than by the slaves they imported from Africa .

List of settlement colonies

  • Settlement Colonies of Great Britain :
    • Northern Ireland , see also Ulster Plantation
    • the later USA , initially v. a. the 13 colonies on the east coast
    • Canada
    • Australia
    • New Zealand
    • British settlers also settled in some South and East African colonies - but not in West Africa - but they always represented and still represent a wealthy and influential minority there compared to the autochthonous African population, but numerically very small, for example in Kenya and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ). South Africa is a special case , where British settlers settled in large numbers, but always remained in the minority both vis-à-vis the Africans and the settlers of Dutch origin, the Boers .

See also

  • History pages for the countries concerned


Individual evidence
