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Sighter is a geocaching- like scavenger hunt - terrain game in which you have to find locations that have been photographed worldwide. The locations, which are called Sights , are set by other players using photos via the Sighter app. The GPS location is important. A distinction is made between set and found sights. Each sight earns a point in the corresponding category.


The Sighter app is available for both iOS and Android . The range of functions varies considerably between the two platforms. B. Sofa sights that are not available on iOS.

Basic principle

There are two basic game elements: creating and finding sights. When creating, the player photographs an object, a building, a monument or another thing (permanently installed at this location) and optionally gives a short description or name. The searching player has to photograph the sight in the same place from the same angle using the app, if possible. The app now uses the GPS data and compares images to check whether the sight was found by the player.

Sofa sighter

In the Android version there is a "Games" area in the menu. At the moment the only entry here is "Sofa Sighter". Sights are shown here, divided into the difficulty levels beginner, advanced and hardcore, whose local origin must be determined from four alternatives offered. There is a point count as well as a separate ranking list for the various levels. After three wrong answers the counting starts again from zero.

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