Sigismondo de 'Conti

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Sigismondo de 'Conti as donor in the painting Madonna von Foligno by Raffael

Sigismondo de 'Conti (Latin Sigismundus de Comitibus ; * 1432 in Foligno ; † February 23, 1512 in Rome ) was an Italian humanist , historian and papal secretary .

Sigismondo came from the Folignese city nobility. His academic teachers included Ermolao Barbaro , Paolo Cortesi and Teodoro Gaza . He was a gonfaloniere in his hometown before going to the Roman Curia , where he was supported by Popes Sixtus IV , Innocent VII , Alexander VI. and Julius II was entrusted as secretary with sometimes delicate diplomatic tasks.

Sigismondo de 'Conti was distinguished by his learned Latin scripts. In the last years of his life he wrote the historical work Libri Historiarum sui temporis as a contemporary witness for the years 1475 to 1510 with special consideration of the Otranto campaign . Pietro Bembo set him a literary monument in his dialogue work De Guido Ubaldo Feretrio from 1548.

Shortly before his death, Sigismondo commissioned Raffael to make the panel painting, which later became famous as the Madonna of Foligno , for the high altar of the Church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli , near which he was also buried. The background scene in this picture is often interpreted as a biographical event - lightning or meteorite strike near Sigismondo's house in Foligno - but there are no reliable sources for it.


Individual evidence

  1. Arnold Nesselrath: And if there were a third one to the puttos, a putto by Raffael would be more ( online ).