Sinovaginal cusps

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The sinovaginal cusp is a protuberance of the urogenital sinus during the embryonic development of female mammals. It forms from the wall of the urogenital sinus and grows towards the united Müller ducts . In the further development, there is a cell proliferation ( proliferation ) of Sinovaginalhöckers and he itself into a Vaginalplatte to stay out of the vaginal epithelium forms.


  • Alfred Sigel, RH Ringert: Pediatric urology. 2nd, completely revised edition, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg a. a. 2001 ISBN 978-3-540-64764-5 , Chapter 1: Embryology of the urogenital tract ( full text ).
  • Michael Schünke et al .: Prometheus LernAtlas der Anatomie: Internal organs . 2nd, revised and expanded edition, Thieme, Stuttgart / New York 2009, ISBN 978-3-13-139532-0 , p. 51.
  • Raimund Stein, Rolf Beetz, Joachim W. Thüroff: Pediatric urology in clinic and practice. 3rd edition, Thieme, Stuttgart / New York 2012, ISBN 978-3-13-674803-9 , p. 440 ff. → Section 37, Urogenital sinus and anomalies of the female genitalia. ( Full text ).