Soest city law

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The Soest city charter is the first demonstrably recorded in the German area town charter .

It has been handed down in the form of the old and new cowhide as well as the old scarf . Presumably, the Soest city ​​law goes back to models from Lombardy that were mediated via Cologne . It was adopted by many cities in the area, e.g. B. from Korbach . Overall, the Soest city law was a model for 65 cities in northern Germany.

More important, however, was the long-range effect of Soest city law: the takeover by Lübeck , which was co-founded by Soest merchants , meant that Soest city law, in a modified form, was widely broadcast as Lübisches law in the Baltic Sea region. Another, albeit smaller, family of city rights developed from the granting of Soest rights to Lippstadt in the 13th century as Lippian city rights .

Cities with Soest city rights

and about 60 more


The literature has been partially adopted.

  • Wolf-Herbert Deus: The gentlemen from Soest. The city constitution in the mirror of the council election book 1417 to 1751 (= Soester scientific contributions. Vol. 10, ISSN  0171-3752 ). Mocker & Jahn, Soest 1955.
  • Wolf-Herbert Deus: Soester right. A collection of sources. 6 deliveries. Mocker & Jahn, Soest 1969–1978;
    • Delivery 1: Articles of Association (= Soest contributions. 32, ISSN  0171-3760 ). 1969;
    • Delivery 2: Statutory law (= Soest contributions. 33). 1970;
    • Delivery 3: Older orders (= Soester contributions. 34). 1971;
    • Delivery 4: Observances (= Soest contributions. 35). 1974;
    • Delivery 5: Other orders (= Soester contributions. 36). 1975;
    • Delivery 6: oath formulas (= Soester contributions. 39). 1978, ISBN 3-87902-027-2 .
  • Wilhelm Ebel : Soest law. Essence, origin and meaning. In: Soester magazine. Vol. 72, 1959, ISSN  0176-3946 , pp. 5-23.
  • Wilfried Ehbrecht: City rights and historical landscape in Westphalia. In: Franz Petri et al. (Ed.): The Westphalia area. Volume 6: Progress in Research and Final Review. Part 1. Aschendorff, Münster 1989, ISBN 3-402-05554-6 , pp. 215-250.
  • The old Soester Schrae. In: Johann Suibert Seibertz : Document book on the regional and legal history of the Duchy of Westphalia. Volume 2: 1300 to 1400 (= regional and legal history of the Duchy of Westphalia. Volume 3). Ritter, Arnsberg 1843, pp. 387-417 .
  • Rolf Dieter Kohl: Absolutism and urban self-government. The city of Soest and its sovereigns in the 17th century. Münster 1977 (Münster, Univ., Phil. Diss., 1974).
  • Johannes Pechel: The transformation of the constitution of Soest in the age of Friedrich Wilhelm I and Friedrich II. 1715–1752. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1905 (Göttingen, Univ., Jur. Diss., 1905).
  • Thomas Schöne : Soest town charter from the 12th to the middle of the 15th century. At the same time a contribution to the development of German city rights in the high and late Middle Ages (= studies and sources on Westphalian history. Vol. 34). Bonifatius, Paderborn 1998, ISBN (at the same time: Bonn, Univ., Jur. Diss., 1996).
  • Soest and Duisburg. (= The chronicles of the German cities from the 14th to the 16th century . Vol. 24 = The chronicles of the Westphalian and Lower Rhine cities. Vol. 3). Hirzel, Leipzig 1895 (2nd, unchanged edition. Photomechanical reprint. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1969).
  • Anne-Luise Stech: The Soester city legal family. Göttingen 1965 (Göttingen, Univ., Jur. Diss., 1964).
  • Klaus Welt: The old Soest city law in its relationship to Cologne law. Kramer, Münster 1960 (Münster, Univ., Jur. Diss., 1960).

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  1. Literature partly according to: