Soyuz 38

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Mission emblem
Mission emblem
Mission dates
Mission: Soyuz 38
COSPAR-ID : 1980-075A
Spacecraft: Soyuz 7K-T ( GRAY index  11F615A8)
serial number 54
Dimensions: 6800 kg
Launcher: Soyuz U (GRAY index 11A511U)
Call sign: Таймыр (" Taimyr ")
Crew: 2
Begin: September 18, 1980, 19:11:00  UTC
Starting place: Baikonur 1/5
Space station: Salyut 6
Coupling: September 19, 1980, 20:49 UTC
Decoupling: September 26, 1980, 12:35 UTC
Landing: September 26, 1980, 15:54:00 UTC
Landing place: 175 km southeast of Djeskazgan
Flight duration: 7d 20h 43min
Earth orbits: 124
Rotation time : 88.9 (91.4) min
Apogee : 273 (357) km
Perigee : 200 (345) km
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Soyuz 37
Soyuz T-3

Soyuz 38 is the mission name for the flight of a Soviet Soyuz spaceship to the Soviet space station Salyut 6, which started on September 18, 1980 . It was the 13th visit by a manned Soyuz spacecraft to this space station and the 60th flight in the Soviet Soyuz program.


Main crew

Substitute team

Mission overview

It was the eighth visiting team (Salyut 6 EP-8) that visited the Salyut 6 station. This visit was also part of the Interkosmos program. During the visit, the fourth regular team ( Salyut 6 EO-4 ) worked with Leonid Popov and Valeri Ryumin .

The team successfully coupled in the earth's shadow so that only the navigation lights of the approaching spaceship could be seen. Valery Ryumin filmed the main engine of the Soyuz from on board the space station. The investigations into the problems of the main engine of Soyuz 33 were thus continued.

In contrast to previous visiting missions, the space flight was not used to exchange the Soyuz spacecraft at the space station. After a week, Romanenko and Méndez returned to Earth with Soyuz 38.

See also

Web links