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A sociologist deals scientifically with the coexistence of people in society ( sociology ).


Sociologists examine the structures of human societies, collect and analyze sociological data, explore social phenomena such as education , political decision-making, crime , unemployment , and examine the structures of social structures and institutions such as companies , families , parties and religious communities .

The more economic and social problems become visible in a society, the more important sociological specialist knowledge becomes in order to gain explanatory approaches and to develop strategies how these problems can be analyzed and dealt with. However, as the political author Helmut Dahmer warns his guild, for example, the sociology that he has observed is incapable of solving relevant problems in society: “The typical sociologist of today is a politically disengaged specialist, even if he occasionally provides 'political advice'. Earned money. So contemporary sociology misunderstands itself and misses its profession. "

Sociologists can use their knowledge of social phenomena, their emergence and interactions and, above all, their knowledge of social science data collection and analysis in various areas - in human resources and social affairs , in further training institutions in business and administration , in market research and opinion research , in marketing and in business consulting .

Sociologist at work

Usual job titles besides “sociologist” are also “ social scientist ”, more rarely “social scientist ”.

Scientific and professional organizations

The national specialist organizations of sociologists in German-speaking countries are the German , Austrian and Swiss Society for Sociology , and internationally the European and the International Sociological Association . (See also: American Sociological Association et al.)

Working sociologists are organized in the Professional Association of German Sociologists (BDS), and often in relevant trade unions (e.g. ver.di ) .

Code of Ethics

The German Society for Sociology (DGS), the German Society for Sociology of East Germany and the Professional Association of German Sociologists (BDS) decided in 1992 on a joint " Code of Ethics " for sociologists, which addresses numerous problems of their work ethics . So are sociologists u. a. committed to objectivity, neutrality and scientific independence. In the event of violations, arbitration proceedings, but also professional punishments, are provided. A permanent joint “ethics committee” of the two still existing associations DGS and BDS acts for this purpose.

For sociologists who work as statisticians, these requirements are even laid down in the Federal Statistics Act (Section 1). Misconduct can lead to serious consequences.

Areas of activity

Common professions

Sociologists rarely work independently and freelance , but you meet them as

As employees or civil servants, you meet them as


Web links

Wiktionary: Sociologist  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dahmer, Helmut (2001): Sociology after a barbaric century . Vienna: WUV Universitätsverlag, p. 17.