linguistic style

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Linguistic style is a term that has a wide variety of meanings. In terms of speaking and writing, it is equated with style : Theodor Lewandowski (1985) gives “style” as a synonym for linguistic style . In Duden. The large dictionary of the German language in the 2nd edition, 1995, only contains the reference "see style" for the keyword language style. The term linguistic style is used to separate general stylistic terms from related subjects and areas (e.g. architecture, art, music, behavior).

Willy Sanders (1973) uses linguistic style in the sense of a general style of speech and as a generic term for all styles of spoken and written language. In this case the literary style is an expression of possible language styles. He defines the style of language in such a way that it consists of the sub-areas of artificial language - usage style - everyday language style .


  • Duden. The large dictionary of the German language in eight volumes. Volume 7. 2nd, completely revised and greatly expanded edition. Dudenverlag , Mannheim / Leipzig / Vienna / Zurich 1995. ISBN 3-411-04802-6 , keyword: “Sprachstil”.
  • Dudenredaktion (ed.): Duden. The style dictionary. 10th, revised and expanded edition. Dudenverlag, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-411-04030-8 (Duden Volume 2).
  • Theodor Lewandowski: Linguistic Dictionary . 4th, revised edition. Quelle & Meyer, Heidelberg 1985, ISBN 3-494-02050-7 , keyword: "Style".
  • Willy Sanders: Linguistic Style Theory. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , Göttingen 1973, ISBN 3-525-33346-3 , p. 31ff.
  • Willy Sanders: Linguistic Stylistics. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1977, ISBN 3-525-33417-6 .

Web links

Wiktionary: linguistic style  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Willy Sanders: Linguistic Stylistics. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1977, p. 59