Stade Olympique de Chamonix

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Stade Olympique de Chamonix
The stadium during an ice hockey match during the 1924 Winter Olympics
The stadium during an ice hockey match during the 1924 Winter Olympics
place 99, Avenue de la Plage 74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc , France
Coordinates 45 ° 55 '35.5 "  N , 6 ° 52' 27.5"  E Coordinates: 45 ° 55 '35.5 "  N , 6 ° 52' 27.5"  E
opening 1924
capacity 45,000 seats

The Stade Olympique de Chamonix stadium in the French commune of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, which was built for the 1924 Winter Olympics . It offered space for around 45,000 spectators.

During the winter games, the opening and closing ceremonies as well as ice stock sport, ice hockey games, figure skating, speed skating and military patrols took place here.

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