Style break

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In art, a style break is understood to mean the appearance of an element that does not fit the overall picture of the work and is perceived as disturbing or even provocative. A break in style can be described, for example:

  • The parallel use of stylistic devices that are typical for different epochs . A baroque recitative in a pop song can be a break in style, as can cubist elements in a classic landscape portrait.
  • The appearance of stylistic devices and elements that oppose the atmosphere of the entire work. An example is the use of slang in an otherwise elaborate poem .

A break in style may well be intended by the artist . Possible reasons:

  • The work is given a humorous side. Especially in poetry is often in the last verse a break in style as Pointe used as in the poem thunderstorm of Heinz Erhardt .
  • Central content-related aspects of the work are reflected in the contrasting styles.

Occasionally one speaks of a style break in everyday life, for example in the management of a company, when employees unusually do not show up in suits or ties, and also in marketing , when a brand line (the "style of a house") is abandoned in favor of a realignment.


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