Section leader (orchestra)

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In classical music orchestras, the section leader or principal is the musician sitting at the first desk. With the 1st  violins , the section leader is also the concertmaster and thus the principal of the entire orchestra. The section leaders of the 2nd violins are often also called concert masters; the section leaders of the other string groups (i.e. the violas , cellos and double basses ) are not so designated.

In the other instrument groups, the musician who plays the first voice is called the section leader (e.g. the 1st flute or the 1st trumpet ). If the winds are combined into a wood and a brass section, the 1st oboe is considered the leader of the woodwind and the 1st trumpet as the leader of the brass . With the percussion, the timpani is considered the leader of the instrument group.

The section leaders are to be distinguished from the auditors , who represent a subordinate position within a string section. Since the section leaders often have to play solos, they are sometimes also used as z. B. called solo trumpet or solo oboe.

During a concert, the section leaders interact with each other through eye contact in order to coordinate the playing of the individual groups of instruments, and in turn implement the conductor's instructions for the entire group of instruments.

The registrar (s) in music bands or wind orchestras performs similar tasks .