Stop Corona

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Stop Corona
Basic data

Publishing year 2020
Current  version 2.0.5
operating system Android version 6 or higher, iOS version 13.5 or higher
category health
License Apache license, version 2.0
German speaking Yes

Stop Corona is a voluntary contact tracing app from Austria, which was published by the Austrian Red Cross on March 25, 2020 to support the containment measures of the COVID-19 pandemic .

The mobile app can use the radio technology Bluetooth , Bluetooth Low Energy or an acoustic signal (ultrasound) to detect smartphones in the vicinity that are also using the app. This is technically implemented with the Google Nearby Messages API. The contact is either registered manually by selecting the contact from a list of nearby smartphones, or it is automated. The automated registration takes place if a minimum distance is not reached for a longer period of time (e.g. less than 2 meters distance for more than 15 minutes). Depending on the operating system (Android, iOS) this functionality is differently comfortable. If a person with whom you have been in contact in the last 54 hours gives a warning, you should isolate yourself, as there is then the risk that you have become infected with SARS-CoV-2 . There are two options for an anonymous warning: on the one hand, a suspicion report based on a symptom check and, on the other hand, an infection report based on a medical test. In the event of a medically confirmed infection, the app asks for the mobile phone number and transfers it to the Red Cross. It is also possible to send an all-clear to the previously warned contacts, for example because a medical test was negative.

The Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz mentioned the possibility for the two million Austrians who do not have a smartphone to use Bluetooth-enabled key fobs ( beacon ) as an alternative to determine the location of the wearer, which should achieve the same functionality.

Download numbers

Within the first week, 180,000 people installed the app on their smartphones. As of July 6, 2020, the number of downloads was 775,579, of which 218,080 were iOS and 494,399 Android.


A major update took place on April 12th, which included the following functions:

  • Simple symptom check
  • Automated registration
  • Corona suspicion report and the all-clear

With the April 24 update, old contacts and messages will be deleted.


The development was financed with EUR 2 million by the Uniqa Private Foundation (holds 49 percent of the Uniqa Insurance Group ). The conception, implementation and operation took place in cooperation and with the support of Accenture Austria. The service is hosted in the Microsoft Azure cloud.

At the end of April 2020, the source code was published on GitHub under the Apache License 2.0 .

In the Android and Apple versions of the app, as in the German "Corona-Warn-App", the device provider did not automatically retrieve the infection list and thus the failure to notify any risk encounters.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. .
  2. .
  3. David Kotrba: "Stop Corona" app: Restricted automated saving on iPhones. April 10, 2020, accessed on April 10, 2020 : "" The distribution of the operating systems in Austria is currently around 70 percent Android, 30 percent iOS, "explains Christian Winkelhofer, the head of the app project at Accenture Austria. He describes a practical example: An Android user of the "Stop Corona" app and an iPhone user meet each other. If the Android user's app is running in the background, a Bluetooth signal from the iPhone is still received. It doesn't happen the other way around. "
  4. Austrian Red Cross: Red Cross: FAQ App "Stop Corona". Retrieved March 27, 2020 .
  5. a b UNIQA: Stop Corona-App for all of Austria. March 25, 2020, accessed April 14, 2020 .
  6. Kurz plans cell phone tracking - alternative: key fob., April 5, 2020, accessed on April 12, 2020 .
  7. a b Markus Sulzbacher: President of the National Council Sobotka: "Stop Corona" app can help even more with an obligation. In: . April 4, 2020, accessed April 4, 2020 .
  8. barbara.wimmer: Why the Stop Corona app is used so little. Retrieved July 21, 2020 .
  9. ^ Analysis of the "Stop Corona" app of the Red Cross. In: April 1, 2020, accessed April 4, 2020 .
  10. LICENSE.txt. In: GitHub. Retrieved May 3, 2020 .
  11. Daniel Koller: Finally open source: source code of the "Stop Corona" app is now available online. In: . April 24, 2020, accessed April 24, 2020 .
  12. Why Corona apps do not work properly on many smartphones in the standard from July 24, 2020, accessed on July 25, 2020