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Streptoprocne biscutata

Streptoprocne biscutata

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Sailor birds (Apodiformes)
Family : Sailors (Apodidae)
Genre : Streptoprocne
Scientific name
Oberholser , 1906

Streptoprocne is a genus of birdsinthe sailor family (Apodidae). Three large and two smaller species of sailor are placed in this Neotropical genus. The two smaller species of the genus, Phelps and Red-necked Swifts , are a special case among sailors with their bright orange collar in the adult plumage. These two species were formerly part of the genus Cypseloides .


The three large species with a body length of about 22 centimeters can usually be distinguished from sympatric species of other sailor genera solely by their size , the wing beats appear powerful and leisurely. A very noticeable feature of the plumage is the collar, in the three large species it is white, in the two small species it is orange.

The most difficult to distinguish are representatives of the genus Cypseloides . When visibility is good, the distinction is quite easy on the basis of the plumage characteristics, only the pectoral swift also has white plumage parts in the breast area. The wings of the Streptoprocne species appear longer and wider in height , and the tail also appears wider.


The following species are assigned to the genus:

In the past, the Red-necked Swift and the Phelpssegler belonged to the genus Cypseloides .


  • Phil Chantler, Gerald Driessens: A Guide to the Swifts and Tree Swifts of the World . Pica Press, Mountfield 2000, ISBN 1-873403-83-6

Individual evidence

  1. Chantler, Driessens: A Guide to the Swifts and Tree Swifts of the World . Page 21f, see literature

Web links

Commons : Streptoprocne  - collection of images, videos and audio files