Superman / Batman: Public Enemies

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Original title Superman / Batman: Public Enemies
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2009
length 67 minutes
Director Sam Liu
script Stan Berkowitz
production Michael Goguen ,
Bobbie Page
music Christopher Drake
cut Margaret Hou

Successor  →
Superman / Batman: Apocalypse

Superman / Batman: Public Enemies (mutatis mutandis about Superman / Batman: Public Enemies ) is an American animated film of the year 2009 , which on September 29, 2009 DVD was released. It is an adaptation of the storyline Public Enemies of the crossover comic series Superman / Batman from the US comic publisher DC Comics and revolves around a shared adventure between the superheroes Batman and Superman .


The world is in an economic crisis . Unemployment rises and with it the crime rate. Initially ridiculed, a supposedly refined Lex Luthor runs for the office of President of the United States and, contrary to expectations, is ultimately elected to office. Luthor manages to lead the country out of the crisis, so that finally a number of meta-beings (people with special abilities or superpowers) declare him purified and submit to him for the good of the country. These meta-beings include Captain Atom , his former forced opponent Major Force , Power Girl and Captain Marvel . Few still distrust Luthor. These skeptics include Superman in particular, who had discovered Luther's dark machinations too often, as well as Superman's good friend Batman .

As a giant Kryptonite - Meteor the earth threatens to destroy and Luthor's plan that fails to prevent by means of a squadron of nuclear missiles, Luthor would like to meet with Superman to resolve their differences and find a way supposedly to discuss to save the Earth. Luthor, however, abuses the meeting to lure Superman into a trap. He angered Superman and then lets Metallo attack another opponent of Superman's (and films this encounter). Only with Batman's intervention, both manage to escape from Metallo. The next day the news reports on Metallo's death (and shows a picture of his corpse), with Luthor denouncing Metallos as the murderer by providing the footage of the angry Superman's fight with Metallo and making Superman and his helper Batman enemies of the state Public Enemies). Now Superman and Batman both have to prove Superman's innocence and protect the earth from destruction by the kryptonite meteor. They use the help of the hyper- intelligent Toyman , who has found a way to destroy the meteor with a self-constructed rocket. When Luthor reveals to Amanda Waller that he no longer intends to save the earth, but instead to create a new world out of the ruins of civilization under his leadership and against Batman Major Force (after Batman and Superman to find out) a number of meta-beings struggled) made to admit that he, and not Superman, killed Metallo, Superman's name is washed away. Luthor tries to prevent Superman and Batman from launching the rescue rocket with his combat suit, but is defeated by Superman. However, the automatic control of the rocket is destroyed, so that Batman manually flies the rocket to the meteor during the fight between Superman and Luthor due to lack of time, with no prospect of a return. When Superman registers that Batman has sacrificed himself to save the earth, he becomes so angry that Luthor has what he expressly says "best friend" on the conscience that he can incapacitate Luthor. Toyman eventually explains to Superman that there is still a possibility that Batman could still be alive. When Superman flies into space, he finds the still living Batman in an escape pod section of the rocket. He brings him back to Earth, where Luthor has meanwhile been removed from office and arrested.



figure (English)
original dubbing voice
German dubbing voice
Batman / Bruce Wayne Kevin Conroy Eberhard Haar
Superman Tim Daly Ingo Albrecht
Lex Luthor Clancy Brown Thomas Petruo
Power girl Allison Mack
Metallo / John Corben John C. McGinley Klaus Lochthove
Captain Atom Xander Berkeley Uwe Büschken
Major Force Ricardo Chavira Gerald Paradise
Amanda Waller CCH pounder Regina Lemnitz

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