Suryadharma Ali

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Suryadharma Ali

Suryadharma Ali (born September 19, 1956 ) is an Indonesian politician . He has been Minister of Religion in his country since October 22, 2009 (as of April 2012). Previously, from October 21, 2004 to October 1, 2009, he was Minister of State for Cooperatives and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the cabinet of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono .

In 1984 he graduated from Jakarta Islamic State University . He then worked in the private sector for a few years. In February 2007 the United Development Party (PPP) elected him to succeed Hamzah Haz as its chairman.


In September 2010 he called for a complete ban on Ahmadiyya . He justified this with the fact that their teachings deviated from the Koran.

In April 2012, as head of the Indonesian anti-pornography task force founded in 2008, he called for a ban on skirts that do not come down to the knees. Wearing such clothing should be punished as pornography . Masruchah, the vice-chairwoman of the National Women's Commission, described the project as a violation of women's rights. The deputy parliamentary speaker Pramono Agung also criticized the proposal.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Anett Keller: Several dead in brutal attacks. In: the daily newspaper . February 9, 2011, accessed February 10, 2011 .
  2. Adnet Keller: Please don't mini skirts too mini. In: the daily newspaper. April 2, 2012, Retrieved April 6, 2012 .