Sven Sture

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Sven Sture (* unknown; † 1423 or 1424 ) initially served as captain of Queen Margaret of Denmark's troops during the Danish-Mecklenburg War of Succession (around 1376-1395) .

For them he held the island of Gotland from 1395 and so faced his opponent Albrecht von Pecatel , who controlled the city of Visby . The two captains neutralized each other. When Duke Erich von Mecklenburg landed on the island with troops in 1396 and defeated Sven Sture in 1397, the latter had to take a feudal oath to the duke and thus went over to Margarete's opponents.

After his death on July 26, 1397, Erich's widow, Sophia von Pommern-Wolgast, transferred the supreme command of the island of Gotland to Sven Sture. He continued to be home to vitality brothers and became their leader. Under his rule Gotland developed into a pirates' nest until in 1398 the Teutonic Order expelled the Brothers Vitality from the island with a large fleet of orders .

Sture sought a balance with Margaret of Denmark and was enfeoffed with Sundholm Castle from 1406 and was allowed to bear the title of knight .

See also


  • Dieter Zimmerling: Störtebeker & Co. The heyday of pirates in the North and Baltic Seas . Verlag Die Hanse, Hamburg 2000 ISBN 3434525734
  • Fritz Teichmann: The position and politics of the Hanseatic seaside towns towards the vital brothers in the Nordic confusion of the throne 1389-1400 . Berlin 1931
  • Matthias Puhle : The vitality brothers. Klaus Störtebeker and the pirates of the Hanseatic era. 2nd edition, Campus, Frankfurt am Main 1994 ISBN 3-593-34525-0