Swiss Journal of Psychology

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Swiss Journal of Psychology formerly: Swiss journal for psychology and its applications

description Specialized journal for psychology, organ of the Swiss Society for Psychology
Area of ​​Expertise psychology
language English only since 2012
publishing company Hogrefe Switzerland ( Switzerland )
Headquarters Bern
First edition 1942
founder Jean Piaget
Frequency of publication 4 times a year
Sold edition 750 copies
( Media kit )
Impact Factor 0.778 [1]
editor Grégoire Zimmermann
Web link
Article archive
ISSN (print)
ISSN (online)

Swiss Journal of Psychology (formerly the Swiss Journal for Psychology , today only as a subtitle together with Revue Suisse de Psychologie ) is the specialist journal for all areas of scientific psychology published by the Swiss Society for Psychology. It appears four times a year and was founded in 1942.


The first editor was Jean Piaget . It is published by Hogrefe Verlag Schweiz Bern and has published articles in English, German and French. Since 2012, the Swiss Journal for Psychology has only published articles in English.

The first editors of the Swiss Journal for Psychology and its Applications (ie from the beginning, 1942) were Walter Morgenthaler , Jean Piaget , Carl Gustav Jung and Oscar Forel . According to the editorial team, the purpose of the magazine was:

“To collect the individual psychological directions and associations in Switzerland and be a center for them. Maintain relationships with other countries and thus contribute to the fulfillment of supranational tasks and to cultural development. On this basis, it will cultivate psychology as a science as well as the practical psychological disciplines and meet the search for the soul and the human. "

The history of the Swiss Journal of Psychology and its applications is (closely) connected to the history of psychology and psychotherapy in Switzerland. "In 1930, when the statutes of the Swiss Society for Psychiatry were revised, a Swiss commission for psychotherapy was created with the task of“ focusing on training in psychotherapy as well as the scientific promotion and practical application of this type of treatment in Switzerland ”." This commission only became more active “under the energetic leadership of Oscar Forel .” On July 19, 1936, the first meeting of the commission took place in Basel , and on May 28, 1937, the second in Bern .

History of publication

  • 1942–1967: Swiss journal for psychology and its applications. ISSN  0036-7869 (incorporated into it: Journal for diagnostic psychology and personality research , edited by Robert Heiss , JH Schultz and Hans Zulliger : Vol. 1, 1953, to Vol. 6, 1958, ISSN  0513-9031 )
  • 1967–1986: Psychology: Swiss journal for psychology and its applications. ISSN  0033-2976
  • 1987–1993: Swiss Journal for Psychology (SZP). ISSN  0036-7869
  • since 1994: Swiss journal of psychology: Official publication of the Swiss Psychological Society. ISSN  0036-7869

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. magazine on
  2. Swiss Journal for Psychology and its Applications , Volume 1, 1942, p. 3.
  3. a b c Swiss Journal for Psychology and its Applications , Volume 1, 1942, p. 134.