Talat Alaiyan Foundation

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Talat Alaiyan Foundation
Legal form: Foundation under civil law
Purpose: Active peace aid
Chair: Halima Alaiyan
Consist: since 2003 in Saarbrücken
Seat: Saarbrücken
Website: www.talat-alaiyan.de

no founder specified

The Talat Alaiyan Foundation is a non-profit foundation based in Saarbrücken . The purpose is to promote education, encounters, reconciliation and friendship between young people from the Palestinian autonomous regions , Israel and Germany in the form of a student exchange . The goal is active peace work; Friendship instead of enmity between Jews, Muslims and Christians.


Halima Alaiyan was born in Palestine in 1948. Her parents fled to Egypt with her when the state of Israel was founded . Twenty years later she moved to Germany, took her Abitur at the preparatory college , studied medicine at the Saarland University and later founded her own orthopedic practice. The Talat Alaiyan Foundation was founded in 2003 by Halima Alaiyan in Saarbrücken with a capital of € 25,000 and named after her son, Talat Alaiyan, who died of a rare blood disease. The foundation has been recognized as a non-profit organization since 2004.

Work of the foundation

The board consists of a Muslim, a Jew and a Christian. The patron of the foundation projects is the Prime Minister of Saarland. There are no foundation members, but there are volunteers. The entire board also works on a voluntary basis. Since the foundation's capital is small, the Talat Alaiyan Foundation is dependent on donations in order to carry out the projects. The funds cover all costs for travel, meals, accommodation, advertising, information material, speakers' fees, etc. for the participating young people and their supervisors.

In a school exchange, an equal number of Israeli, Palestinian and German young people between the ages of 14 and 18 meet in Germany for a period of two weeks. During this time they spend the days with all their experiences, get to know each other, cook and discuss together. The young people always share their rooms in threes, each of a nationality and denomination, boys and girls separated. The program includes themed discussion evenings, lectures and excursions. For example, they visit the German Bundestag and / or the Chancellery in Berlin, the Saarland state parliament and talk to politicians there. In addition, the young people visit places steeped in culture and history, such as B. Bernauer Strasse in Berlin, a synagogue, a church and a mosque, the former concentration camp in Sachsenhausen, the French city of Verdun, the Luxembourg border town of Schengen, etc. It is about encounter, education, exchange, understanding, reconciliation and above all that To reduce hostility, to find a peaceful way of dealing with one another. The young people should learn a lot about the other person's life and everyday life, their fears and sufferings. Professionally competent supervisors in relation to German, French, European, Palestinian and Israeli history accompany the young participants and encourage them to talk and discuss. The aim is to make this possible between Israel and Palestine, just as the arch enemies France and Germany once became friends.

Basic requirements for participating in a school exchange are good English skills, general health, current vaccinations and a medical certificate.

“I hope that strong brother Israel will reach out to the Palestinians and help them. Then he would make them friends. Both must go this way for the future of their children, for the security in their homeland, to live with equal rights and in dignity, only then do they guarantee the future of their children and their homeland. There is no other way in the long term. "

- Halima Alaiyan

So far, the foundation has made it possible for 850 young people to meet, exchange ideas and make friends. Most of the 850 young people still maintain contact with one another today.

Other projects were “Dancing in Berlin” (2015) and “Dancing in Saarbrücken” (2016), in which the internationally famous dance star Pierre Dulaine (New York) gave dance lessons to Jewish, Christian and Muslim children aged 12 to 14 within two weeks gave. The dance couples were so mixed that children of different denominations always formed a pair and several couples in turn formed a team. At the end of the project there was a dance competition with a cup win. The actual goal of bringing children and parents of these three denominations together, getting to know each other, having a good time together and wanting to achieve something together was achieved with great joy by all participants. These two projects were also under the patronage of the Saarland Prime Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Halima Alaiyan wrote the book Expulsion from Paradise in 2003 . My long flight from Palestine published. The sales proceeds from the book will benefit the foundation.

In 2009 Alaiyan received the Federal Cross of Merit for her work . In 2010 Halima Alaiyan was awarded the Liberta Citizens' Prize.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biographical information on the practice page , accessed on September 9, 2012
  2. Elisabeth Binder: You have earned the cross. tagesspiegel.de of October 5, 2009 , accessed on September 9, 2012
  3. Citizen Prize Liberta , accessed on February 5, 2017