Crime scene: On the sunny side

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title On the sunny side
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 87 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
classification Episode 709 ( List )
First broadcast October 26, 2008 on Das Erste
Director Richard Huber
script Christoph Silber
Thorsten Wettcke
music Dürbeck & Dohmen
camera Martin Langer
cut Knut Hake

as well as Cécile Decker , Dominik Lindhorst , Wolfgang Riehm , Marc Bator

On the sunny side is the 709th film from the Tatort television series . It is considered special in two ways. On the one hand, the main character, Chief Detective Cenk Batu , introduces an undercover investigator as a crime scene superintendent for the first time , which breaks the previous Whodunit concept of the series for the first time for an entire season. On the other hand, Mehmet Kurtuluş is the first chief investigator of Turkish origin in the series.


Cenk Batu has been investigating the apparently reputable finance house Petermann for a long time. Batu gives a chance to penetrate into the inner circle of the machinations of Petermann at a trust test in which he is supposed to kill a person and does not do it. Therefore Batu is withdrawn from the case and entrusted with a new one, who plays in the Turkish petty criminal community. However, this mission is growing into a case of mafia-like organized large-scale fraud involving the illegal importation of counterfeit branded goods and receiving stolen goods. Since even the Petermann company, which had already been targeted in advance, is involved in the confusion of business relationships, Batu even comes to a late investigation in this case.

In addition to his undercover investigation, Batu Deniz, Tuncay Nezrem's nephew, manages to save his life. The boy confidently talks about his goal to start a new life with his girlfriend Jenny on the sunny side , which runs independently of his possessive uncle. But it remains a dream, because Deniz does not survive another assassination attempt. Batu also succeeds in solving this murder case, because it turns out that Deniz's girlfriend was Petermann's daughter of all people. But he did not want to allow the relationship and therefore commissioned the murder of the Turk.

When a freighter from China arrives at the port, which Batu knows will be receiving a large shipment of circuit boards for computers, both Nezrem and Petermann are caught in the act and arrested.


The shooting took place in May 2008 in Hamburg. On the sunny side was premiered on September 28, 2008 at the Hamburg Film Festival. It premiered on television on October 26, 2008.


Audience ratings

The first broadcast of this 709th crime scene episode on October 26, 2008 was seen by a total of 7.07 million viewers in Germany and thus achieved a market share of 20.30% for Das Erste .


The film was hailed by critics even before it was broadcast and described by the world as a “frontal attack on ingrained viewing habits”. For Focus , Batu “had what it takes to become cult”. The star even stated a "revolution". The aesthetics of the film are reminiscent of Fatih Akın films - the NDR has succeeded in a radical new beginning. Der Spiegel sees a "quantum leap" in this film and Buß writes about it:

"The kebab curse has been shaken off - with Mehmet Kurtulus the NDR sends the first Turkish" Tatort "commissioner to the start. It confidently subverts all multicultural clichés and leads through a Hamburg that has never been seen on TV. A quantum leap for the ARD ratings bringer. "

- Christian Buß : The mirror

Other reviews also saw a "completely renewed" Tatort and compared the first Batu episode in its novelty for the decades-old series with the first appearance of a Horst Schimanski at the Tatort.


On the sunny side was nominated for the Golden Camera 2009 in the category Best TV Film. On April 3, 2009, this crime scene was awarded the Adolf Grimme Prize in the Audience Award category of the Marler Group . Martin Langer's camera work was honored with the German Television Prize. Christoph Silber and Thorsten Wettcke were nominated for the German Civis Television Award 2009 in the entertainment category.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tatort: ​​On the sunny side at
  2. Quota when first broadcast on, accessed on May 14, 2013.
  3. The NDR “Tatort” - completely renewed and in Turkish on, accessed on May 14, 2013.
  4. "Tatort" foreigners in! at, accessed on May 14, 2013.
  5. The revolution was a success on, accessed on May 14, 2013.
  6. New Hamburg "crime scene": Bye, bye kebab cliché! at, accessed on May 14, 2013.
  7. Golden Camera 2009 - 44th award. The winners. Funke Programmzeitschriften GmbH , accessed on May 11, 2019 .
  8. ↑ Price decisions. Grimme Institute , accessed on May 11, 2019 .
  9. 2009 Best Cinematography: Martin Langer for Tatort: ​​On the Sunny Side. Deutscher Fernsehpreis GmbH , accessed on May 11, 2019 .
  10. ^ Tatort - On the sunny side. Civis Medienstiftung , accessed on May 11, 2019 .