Technical University

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A technical university ( TU ) is a university that is entitled to award a doctorate and offers a wide range of engineering and natural science subjects, mostly supplemented by other subjects.

The forerunners of the technical universities were the technical universities . The institutions of higher technical education in the German-speaking area received this name since the 1870s. In the 1970s and 1980s, most of the technical colleges turned into technical universities. In addition to the prestige gain desired by politics and business, the conversion also brought them a greater share of basic research and the addition of accompanying subjects, e.g. B. from the fields of philosophy , communication science , sociology and economics .

Almost all technical colleges were renamed universities. Exceptions are the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule in Aachen and the two Swiss Federal Technical Universities in Zurich and Lausanne .

In eastern Germany, as a result of the university reform process in the post-reunification period, the TH Cottbus and the TH Ilmenau were transferred to technical universities. The other remaining technical colleges (TH Leipzig, TH Köthen, TH Leuna-Merseburg, TH Warnemünde-Wustrow, TH Wismar, TH Zittau, TH Zwickau) were dissolved, re-established as universities of applied sciences or individual departments of these universities were integrated into the universities.

Nine technical universities in Germany have joined forces in the TU9 initiative , which is particularly effective in taking the floor on the upcoming Europe-wide standardization of degrees.

There is also a cooperation agreement between the technical universities between the three Austrian institutions: Vienna University of Technology , Graz University of Technology and the Montanuniversität Leoben founded the TU Austria association in 2010 in order to develop common research priorities, take a joint position and use synergies.

historical development

The history of the technical universities is very closely related to the development of the technical universities. The institutions of higher technical education in the German-speaking area have received this designation since the 1870s. From 1899 they were also given the right to award the academic degrees of Diplomingenieur and PhD engineer in the German Reich . After 1945, most of these technical universities were expanded by expanding the range of subjects and converted into technical universities (TU). Since 2009, universities of applied sciences have been increasingly renamed "technical universities".

Faculties or departments

The usual structure of a technical university follows the "classic" engineering subjects . In general, the range of courses includes:

From around 1975 the following subjects were added:

In addition, a number of interdisciplinary courses emerged:

List of technical universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Technical universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (TU Nuremberg under construction and not yet registered)




See also

Individual evidence

  1. RWTH Aachen University is a university according to Section 1, Paragraph (2) No. 1 of the Higher Education Freedom Act of North Rhine-Westphalia
  2. ^ Wissenschaftsrat, Recommendations on the engineering sciences at the universities and technical colleges of the new federal states, Düsseldorf, 1991
  3. ^ TU Austria: Mission . Retrieved September 9, 2011