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The adjective temporary has the meaning “only lasting for a certain time”, “temporarily”, “temporarily”. It is assigned to the noun “tempo” in its original meaning. Borrowed in the 17th century from the Italian tempo , this from the Latin tempus ("time", "section"), it meant "time", "time segment".

Theodor Fontane wrote in the 19th century in his hikes through the Mark Brandenburg about straw huts in the Wustrauer Luch that served as temporary living spaces:

“Along with a hundred similar dwellings that can be found here and everywhere in the Luche, they form temporary living spaces for those thousands of workers who leave the hilltop villages in the surrounding area in summer to descend into the Luch for around four months and dig peat there to earn high daily wages. "

Temporary can be found today as a component of multi-word terms that are used in different subject areas, for example in:

Web links

Wiktionary: temporary  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Kluge: Etymological dictionary of the German language. 24th edition, 2002, Lemma Tempo