Terrorist attack in London on June 3rd 2017

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London Bridge at Night (2013)
Stoney Street, Borough where the knife attack took place (2009)
Map of the attack locations

In the terrorist attack in London on June 3, 2017 , three Islamist terrorists killed three pedestrians in a van on London Bridge over the Thames . They then stabbed five people with long knives in a nearby market district and injured a total of 48 people ( Borough Market ). The crime was ended by police officers who shot the perpetrators. In the English press the crime is also called the London Bridge Attack after the scene .


The driver of a van drove onto the sidewalk on London Bridge at 9:58 p.m. UK daylight saving time and spotted five or six pedestrians there. Then the occupants of the van, three men, drove to the nearby Borough Market , got out and stabbed people indiscriminately with knives. According to eyewitness reports, three victims had their throats cut. The attackers killed a total of eight and injured at least 48 people, some seriously, including a police officer. The assassins are said to have shouted "This is for Allah" and "Islam, Islam".

The Metropolitan Police triggered a large-scale operation with armed police and emergency services . SAS soldiers were flown onto London Bridge in a military helicopter . The bridge was completely cordoned off. The police used Twitter to urge people in the affected areas to go to a safe place, turn off their cell phones and hide.

The 47-year-old Roy Larner, a fan of the London football club Millwall FC , confronted the attackers in a pub on Borough Market and forcibly evicted them from the pub. He responded to the “Islam, Islam” calls of the attackers: “Fuck you, I'm Millwall!” (German: “Fuck you, I'm Millwall!”). While he enabled other guests to escape, he was injured by eight blows from the machete. Finally the attackers let go of him and ran out of the pub. Larner later had hospital surgery and was celebrated across the country for his courage.

Eight minutes after the alert, the police shot the three assassins moments after they left the pub. The perpetrators wore dummies of explosive vests .

Numerous residents and shops offered residents and tourists who were unable to go home or back to their hotel due to the lockdown an opportunity to stay overnight. The hashtag #SofaForLondon was used to inform about sleeping places on the south bank of the Thames on Twitter.


Nationalities of the victims
nationality dead Injured receipt
FranceFrance France 3 8th
AustraliaAustralia Australia 2 2
United KingdomUnited Kingdom United Kingdom 1 6th
SpainSpain Spain 1 1
CanadaCanada Canada 1 0
GermanyGermany Germany 0 2
New ZealandNew Zealand New Zealand 0 2
GreeceGreece Greece 0 1
Unknown 0 26th
total 8th 48

Three days after the attack, the body of an eighth victim who had been missing since the attack was recovered from the Thames.

Investigations and perpetrators

The Metropolitan Police assumed terrorist attacks a few hours after the incidents . Another incident on the same evening, a stabbing in the London borough of Vauxhall, was unrelated to the police, according to police.

On June 4, police arrested twelve people, including four women, after a raid. All those arrested were released the next day.

The terrorist organization Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the attack on June 4, 2017 via the IS-affiliated propaganda platform Amaq .

On June 5, 2017, the police released the names and photos of two of the three attackers. Accordingly, it was the Pakistan-born 27-year-old British Khuram Shazad Butt and the 30-year-old Rachid Redouane. Both lived in the East London borough of Barking and Dagenham . On June 6, the name of the third assassin was announced. The 22-year-old Youssef Zaghba had Italian and Moroccan citizenship.

Khuram Shazad Butt

Khuram Shazad Butt was known to the MI5 domestic intelligence agency and the police, but no intelligence was given that he was planning an attack. Scotland Yard said an investigation into Butt was opened in 2015; since there were no indications of an attack, the investigation was downgraded. Butt appeared in the television documentary Jihad lives next door to radio station Channel 4 from 2016 about British extremists. The film documented his participation in events with two notorious Islamic preachers. Khuram Butt said he had "tried to go to Syria". As part of a year-long undercover documentary that aired in January 2017, Butt was shown at an event warning that " Sharia law is coming to Britain" and that the black flag of Islam will fly over Downing Street .

Rachid Redouane

Rachid Redouane (born July 31, 1986 in Morocco) pretended to be either a Moroccan or a Libyan. The son of Libyan Lahcen Redouane and his wife Kabboura Waraq also used the name "Rachid Elkhdar" (with a different date of birth - * July 31, 1991) or the name "Rachid al-Magrabi". He worked as a pastry chef and lived in Dublin until shortly before the crime . He moved to the Irish capital around five years ago and was unknown to the authorities before the attack. The 30-year-old was identified by an Irish Immigration Service card found on his body. Redouane lived for a time in a high-rise in Dagenham in east London - not far from the apartment of his fellow assassin Khuram Butt in Barking.

Youssef Zaghba

The third assassin was Youssef Zaghba (born January 26, 1995 in Fès , Morocco), son of the Moroccan Mohammed Zaghba and the Italian Valeria Collina, who converted to Islam when they married in the 1990s . Zaghba's parents lived in Morocco until the couple separated and divorced in 2015 and the mother returned to Italy ( Bologna ). Youssef Zaghba stayed with his father Mohammed in Morocco until January 2016, but visited his mother in Italy at regular intervals. After an argument with his father, Zaghba first moved to his mother in Bologna, soon afterwards traveled to England and worked there in a Pakistani restaurant. He visited his mother in Bologna at regular intervals.

On March 15, 2016, Zaghba was arrested at Bologna Airport. During his inspection it was noticed that he only had a one-way ticket for Turkey, had no luggage and no cash with him. When asked about the reasons for his trip, he replied: “I want to become a terrorist.” As a result, he was suspected of wanting to join the “Islamic State” (IS) terrorist militia in Syria. During the subsequent examination of his smartphone, SIM cards and computer (in his mother's house), only a few videos with religious content and a photo of an IS flag that Zaghba had downloaded from fundamentalist websites were discovered. He was transferred to the Bologna authorities, which opened an investigation against him on suspicion of terrorism. In April 2016, however, the proceedings were discontinued because there was insufficient evidence of links to the IS terrorist militia to be charged. At the same time, the security authorities were prohibited from storing his contact details, so that they were lost. Since then, however, his name has been on the lists of dangerous persons ( endangers ). Zaghba could not be deported from Italy because he held an Italian passport (Italian citizenship), which allowed him to continue to travel freely in the Schengen area .

After Zaghba's arrest at Bologna Airport, the Italian Domestic Intelligence Service forwarded its information to a British Foreign Intelligence Service ( MI6 ) liaison officer who (usually) passes such information on to the UK Domestic Intelligence Service ( MI5 ). This warning to the British authorities was - according to the Italian security authorities - more routine information about a potential suspect and not a warning of an imminent threat of attack. Information about Zaghba was also added to the Schengen Information System (SIS) by the police in Bologna . Bologna prosecutor Giuseppe Amato stated that Zaghba had been reported to British investigators as a possible suspect. “In a year and a half he had [no more than] ten days in Italy and was [then] always under police surveillance. We did everything we could. ”London's Metropolitan Police Service, on the other hand, stated that Zaghba was not of interest to them in the period before the attack.


After the terrorist attacks in London on March 22, 2017 and in Manchester on May 22, 2017 , this was the third in Great Britain within 73 days. The IS terrorist militia claimed responsibility for all three attacks.

The attack took place a few days before the general election on June 8, 2017 . All political parties except UKIP suspended their election campaign for a day out of respect for the victims. UKIP refused, because disrupting our democracy is what the extremists want is what the extremists wanted.

The day of the attack (a Saturday) fell on the eve of the high Christian festival of Pentecost . At the same time, the day was in the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan . The terrorist organization IS called for increased terrorist activity in Ramadan.


Prime Minister Theresa May at a press conference after the terrorist attack
  • After the attack, Prime Minister Theresa May convened the security cabinet for a meeting. Security measures have been increased for the One Love Manchester solidarity concert on June 4th 2017 in Manchester. May's reaction was rated by observers as more authoritarian and drastic than in the previous terrorist attacks: She spoke of “far too much tolerance for extremism” within British society and announced that she would monitor Internet communication and “safe spaces” more closely.
  • London Mayor Sadiq Khan said: “They hate that we go out on Saturday night. [...] They hate that we are holding a general election. "
  • Many Muslims, especially the umbrella organizations Muslim Association of Britain and Muslim Council of Britain , expressed their horror and compassion, condemned the attacks as disrespect for life and belief, and called for people not to be driven apart by hatred and fear, but against Fight terror. More than 130 British imams and Muslim religious leaders from various currents of Islam refused the assassins the funeral prayer Salat al-Janaaza , in which they pray for the forgiveness of the sins of the deceased and their entry into paradise. Other Muslims and religious authorities were also asked to follow this example and not to speak for the perpetrators of this funeral prayer.
  • Politicians from home and abroad expressed horror and solidarity. US President Donald Trump drew criticism for tweeting on the occasion of the attack about the necessity of a US entry ban for citizens from six predominantly Muslim states and then criticizing the London Mayor for his statement that there was "no reason to be alarmed" that Trump had taken out of context (meaning the increased police presence). Trump responded to the criticism by accusing the mayor of a "poor excuse".


On June 10, 2017, it became known that the assassins had tried to rent a 7.5-ton truck online for their act. They failed to process the payment.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b London bombers wanted to rent trucks for attack. In: faz.net . June 10, 2017.
  2. Terror in London: Third perpetrator identified - further arrests. In: merkur.de. June 4, 2017. Retrieved June 5, 2017 .
  3. Reconstruction of the attack - eight minutes of terror. In: Spiegel Online . June 4, 2017. Retrieved June 6, 2017 .
  4. Steve Almasy, Ralph Ellis and Natalie Gallon: London Bridge: Police declare terror incidents at two locations. In: CNN online. June 3, 2017, accessed June 4, 2017 .
  5. London attack: What we know so far. In: BBC News online. June 4, 2017, accessed June 4, 2017 .
  6. London Bridge - Several dead in London. In: Frankfurter Rundschau online. June 4, 2017. Retrieved June 4, 2017 .
  7. Alone against terror . In: Spiegel Online , June 4, 2017, accessed June 5, 2017.
  8. a b Another attack: London - a city in the crosshairs of terror. In: Stern.de . June 4, 2017. Retrieved June 4, 2017 .
  9. Adam Lusher: London attack: Football fan shouted 'F *** you, I'm Millwall' and took on knife-wielding terrorists with bare fists. In: independent.co.uk. June 8, 2017, accessed June 9, 2017 .
  10. Tyler Rogoway: About That "Blue Thunder" Counter-Terror Chopper That Landed On London Bridge. In: thedrive.com. June 4, 2017, accessed June 6, 2017 .
  11. a b Terrorist attack in London: vehicle drives into a crowd - at least seven dead. In: Spiegel Online. June 4, 2017. Retrieved June 4, 2017 .
  12. Jörn Wenge: Hooligan Against Terrorists: The Lion of London Bridge . In: faz.net . June 8, 2017.
  13. "Islam, Islam" - How a Millwall fan stopped the London bombers. , In: welt.de . June 7, 2017.
  14. Hero who fought back during London attack speaks out , Fox News Channel , June 23, 2017 ( YouTube recording).
  15. ^ English people celebrate Roy Larner: "Fuck you, I am Millwall" , Rheinische Post, June 7, 2017.
  16. a b c London attack victims: tributes paid to Christine Archibald and James McMullan. In: The Guardian online. June 5, 2017, accessed June 6, 2017 .
  17. Trois Français tues dans l'attentat de Londres. In: bfmtv.com. June 7, 2017, accessed June 8, 2017 (French).
  18. London attack: Two Australians are confirmed killed. In: bbc.com. June 7, 2017, accessed June 8, 2017 .
  19. Alexandre, Chrissy… Qui sont les victimes de l'attentat de Londres? In: Le Parisien online, June 5, 2017 (French).
  20. ^ Victims of the attack in London. "Tell them Chrissy sent you". In: faz.net , June 5, 2017.
  21. Two Germans injured in a terrorist attack in London. haz.de, June 4, 2017, accessed June 6, 2017 .
  22. ^ Philip Chrysopoulos: Greek Man Stabbed in London Terrorist Attack Out of Danger. In: greece.greekreporter.com. June 5, 2017, accessed June 6, 2017 .
  23. Ingo Salmen: At least six dead from attack on the Thames. In: tagesspiegel.de. June 4, 2017. Retrieved June 6, 2017 .
  24. ^ Vauxhall Incident Not Connected to London Bridge, Borough Market. In: Wall Street Journal online. June 4, 2017, accessed June 4, 2017 .
  25. ^ Raid in East London - Police report twelve arrests. In: welt.de . June 4, 2017. Retrieved June 4, 2017 .
  26. After the London attack - the police release all those arrested. In: n-tv.de. June 5, 2017. Retrieved June 6, 2017 .
  27. ↑ Terrorist militia IS claims the London attack for itself
  28. a b The authorities knew the assassins were radical Islamists. In: faz.net. June 6, 2017. Retrieved June 6, 2017 .
  29. Constanze Reuscher: British police identified third London terrorist. In: welt.de . June 6, 2017
  30. Attack in London - Police publish names and photos of two assassins. In: welt.de. June 5, 2017. Retrieved June 5, 2017 .
  31. ^ Thomas Spickhofen: Assassin from London - known to the police for years. In: tagesschau.de . June 6, 2017. Retrieved June 6, 2017 .
  32. Jihad lives next door in the Internet Movie Database (English)
  33. London terrorist Khuram Butt appeared in TV documentary The Jihadis Next Door and 'tried to go to Syria'. In: telegraph.co.uk. June 5, 2017, accessed June 6, 2017 .
  34. Heavy June 6, 2017: Rachid Redouane: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
  35. The Independent June 7, 2017: Revealed: The Dublin suburban flat that was home to London Bridge terrorist
  36. The Independent June 7, 2017: London attack: Rachid Redouane's wife says she is 'numbed' by his actions amid reports of domestic abuse
  37. Wife's marriage hell to London Bridge terrorist - maniac beat her up, locked her in if she drank and demanded she wore hijab
  38. London: Further arrest - eighth victim. In: tagesschau.de . June 7, 2017. Retrieved June 7, 2017 .
  39. a b c d e f g Giulia Paravicini: Third London attacker told Italian police: 'I'm going to be a terrorist'. In: politico.eu. June 7, 2017, accessed June 8, 2017 .
  40. a b Nick Pisa, Tom Wells, Dan Sales, Alex Diaz and Jack Royston: 'I'M GOING TO BE A TERRORIST' - Chilling words spoken by third London Bridge attacker Youssef Zaghba who spooks failed to stop twice. In: The Sun online. June 7, 2017, accessed June 8, 2017 .
  41. Tom Michael and Nick Pisa: 'HE WAS A GOOD PERSON' - Relative of London Bridge attacker Youssef Zaghba says the twisted killer was quiet and 'didn't talk a lot'. In: The Sun online. June 7, 2017, accessed June 8, 2017 .
  42. Third London Bridge attacker named . In: BBC News online , June 6, 2017, accessed June 6, 2017.
  43. Fiorenza Sarzanini: June 6, 2017: Youssef Zaghba, ecco il terzo terrorista. Fu fermato a Bologna, la madre italiana vive lì . In: Corriere della Sera online , June 6, 2017, accessed June 6, 2017 (Italian).
  44. ^ A b Robert Booth, Vikram Dodd, Stephanie Kirchgaessner: London Bridge: third attacker named in Italy as Youssef Zaghba . In: The Guardian online , June 6, 2017, accessed June 17, 2017.
  45. Richard Spillett, Martin Robinson and Paddy Dinham: 'I'm going to be a terrorist': Italians say they tipped off UK about the third London Bridge attacker as mother reveal he rang her to say goodbye two days before the massacre. In: Daily Mail online. June 6, 2017, accessed June 8, 2017 .
  46. ^ Leon Watson, Helena Horton: London Bridge attack latest: Third assassin 'was arrested last year trying to get to Syria but was still able to get into UK'. In: The Daily Telegraph online. June 6, 2017, accessed June 8, 2017 .
  47. Ivan Cimmarusti: Who is Youssef Zaghba, the Italian-Moroccan London Bridge attacker. In: Italy Europe June 24 , 2017, accessed June 8, 2017 .
  48. ^ Giulia Paravicini: UK police ran security check on London attacker. In: politico.eu. June 6, 2017, accessed June 8, 2017 .
  49. Jamie Grierson: EU watchlist should have stopped London Bridge attacker, says minister. In: The Guardian online. June 7, 2017, accessed June 8, 2017 .
  50. London Terror: Now the mother of Youssef Zaghba is speaking. In: Stol.it. June 7, 2017, archived from the original on June 7, 2017 ; accessed on June 8, 2017 .
  51. Euan McKirdy, Angela Dewan: UK police face questions as third London attacker named. In: CNN online. June 6, 2017, accessed June 8, 2017 .
  52. Attack in London: May and Corbyn interrupt election campaign. In: faz.net , June 4, 2017, accessed June 4, 2017.
  53. Terrorist attack in London - IS and Al-Qaeda specifically use Islamic Ramadan for terrorist attacks. In: Focus Online . June 4, 2017. Retrieved June 5, 2017 .
  54. Attack in London - "Another bestial attack". In: Süddeutsche.de . 4th June 2017.
  55. Police officers shot at assassins 50 times - also hit passers-by. In: welt.de. June 4, 2017. Retrieved June 4, 2017 .
  56. Jane Merrick: May's authoritarian response to the London Bridge attack. In: CNN online , June 4, 2017 (English).
  57. Mayor: Terrorists hate that we have elections. In: LN-Online.de. June 4, 2017. Retrieved June 4, 2017 .
  58. ^ Sadiq Khan says election should go ahead to defy London attackers: 'Terrorists hate democracy' . In: The Independent (with interview film). June 4, 2017, accessed June 5, 2017.
  59. Nina Golgowski: 'Terrorism Has No Religion:' Muslims Across The UK Slam London Attackers. In: The Huffington Post , June 4, 2017.
  60. British imams refuse to pray for the dead. In: Süddeutsche.de . June 6, 2017
  61. Reactions to the attack “Cowardly attack on innocent Londoners”. In: Spiegel Online. June 4, 2017. Retrieved June 4, 2017 .
  62. Chris Cilliza: The London terror tweets prove Donald Trump is never going to be 'presidential'. In: CNN online , June 4, 2017 (English)
  63. After the terrorist attack: Trump tweets against the mayor of London. In: Spiegel Online , June 4, 2017.
  64. Tim Schulze: Twitter freak - "Poor excuse": Trump insults London mayor again. In: Stern.de. June 5, 2017. Retrieved June 5, 2017 .