Theodor Engelbrecht

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Theodor Elias August Benjamin Engelbrecht (born January 18, 1813 on the Monplaisir farm in Halchter near Wolfenbüttel ; † August 4, 1892 in Braunschweig ) was a doctor in Braunschweig, university professor of physiology and one of the most important German pomologists of the 19th century.

Theodor Engelbrecht


Engelbrecht came from the extensive Engelbrecht family . His parents were the Brunswick bailiff Otto Engelbrecht (1778-1822) and Johanne Friederike Conradine Scherenberg (1781-1815).

After attending school in Wolfenbüttel, Engelbrecht studied medicine at the University of Göttingen . He received his doctorate from the University of Marburg in 1836 and then passed the state examination in Braunschweig. After an extensive educational trip through Italy, France and Holland, he settled in Braunschweig as a doctor, where he was appointed professor of physiology at the anatomical-surgical institute in 1844 . In 1861 he was appointed medical councilor by the Ducal Medical College, and in 1864 he became medical councilor. From 1877 to 1884 Engelbrecht was head of the ducal hospital.

In addition to medicine, he was also interested in fruit varieties and fruit growing . In addition to his pomological studies, there was a lively publication activity in this field, which made him one of the most respected specialists. He suggested the establishment of the Pomological State Institute (1862) in Braunschweig and from 1870 to 1878 he was the editor of the "Mitteilungen" of the fruit growing station of the Agricultural Central Association of the Duchy of Braunschweig . Engelbrecht was a founding director of the German Pomologists Association .

Engelbrecht married Emma Elisabeth Meyer (1819–1876), with whom he had three children in Braunschweig.

  1. Agnes Engelbrecht (1849–186x), ∞ August Winter (* 1839), lieutenant colonel and district commander in Schwerin
  2. Dr. med. Hermann Engelbrecht (* 1852), court physician and medical advisor, ∞ Emilie Peters (1857–1906)
  3. Dr. med. Bruno Engelbrecht (1861–1900)


  • Dissertatio de typho abdominali , dissertation at the University of Marburg, 1836
  • Illuminating the question: should state insane institutions be relocated near the capitals or not? , Vieweg publishing house, 1861
  • Selection of fruit trees to be planted in this country . Extra sheet of the magazine of the Hanoverian pomological association, published by Carl Witt, Salzgitter 1866
  • Germany's apple varieties: illustrated, systematic representation of the apple varieties grown in the area of ​​the German Pomologists Association. Braunschweig 1889. With descriptions for 688 apple varieties .
  • Instructions for examining slaughtered pigs for trichinae , Meyer, 1878


See also