Thomas of Ibelin

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Thomas of Ibelin , also called Thomas of Ramla , (* around 1176, † 1188 ) was Lord of Ramla and Mirabel in the Kingdom of Jerusalem .

He was the son of Baldwin von Ibelin and his second wife Isabella Gothman. In 1187 his father fell out in the dispute over the succession to the throne in the kingdom with the new king Guido von Lusignan , refused to pay homage to him and handed over his reigns Ramla and Mirabel to his young son Thomas. A little later, King Guido led the kingdom's army in the crushing defeat against Sultan Saladin in the Battle of Hattin . Thomas was still a minor at the time of the defeat that threatened the whole kingdom. He was in Nablus , in the care of his aunt Maria Komnena , with whom he fled to the more fortified Jerusalem while Saladin's troops occupied the surrounding area including Ramla, Mirabel and Nablus. Through the mediation of his uncle Balian von Ibelin , Maria Saladin received permission to move to Tire with her children, her court and all their belongings . Saladin even provided her with an escort to ensure her safe conduct. In Mary's retinue, Thomas also escaped the ensuing siege of Jerusalem .

Thomas died in 1188, unmarried and childless.

Individual evidence

  1. See Steven Runciman : History of the Crusades. Special edition in one volume without references to sources and literature, 14. – 17. Thousands of the total print run. CH Beck, Munich 1978, ISBN 3-406-02527-7 , p. 749.
  2. See Steven Runciman: History of the Crusades. Special edition in one volume without references to sources and literature, 14. – 17. Thousands of the total print run. CH Beck, Munich 1978, ISBN 3-406-02527-7 , p. 762 f.

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predecessor Office successor
Baldwin Lord of Ramla
Baldwin Lord of Mirabel