Time's up

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Time's Up is an international artist group formed in 1996 in Linz on the Danube, Austriawas founded and is based in the port district there. The “Laboratory for Experimental Situations” (self-definition) works out a wide variety of room installations, some of which can be classified as interactive and partly as mechanical art. Older works by the group relate primarily to questions, aspects and interactions between human perception, control and biomechanics. The group's more recent works are characterized by a pronounced narrative character. Fictional or semi-fictional characters, stories and the design of the environment therefore play a correspondingly large role in their current narrative productions and installations. Time's Up's oeuvre has been presented in Europe, the United States, Africa, Asia and Australia.


Under the title Hyperfitness Studio (1997–2004) Time's Up brings together a large number of self-built media machines / interfaces that enable the audience as fitness equipment and consoles in a different parallel body and virtual reality experience. The collective received international recognition for their artistic and technological achievements in the conception and construction of the spherical 3-D projection space SPIN (2000–2006), which Time's Up presented for the first time at the 2000 Ars Electronica Festival. As the third and final large-scale installation , Sensory Circus (2002–2006) completes the playful examination of body-controlled interfaces.

From 2007 the group has been working intensively on physical narration - the telling of stories in multimedia environments. In Time's Up's work, the complex, large-scale narrative TwixtVille is of particular importance. It is meticulously prepared for the program of the European Capital of Culture Linz 2009, but not implemented due to the lack of a suitable venue. The experiences gained in the development work, however , benefit the numerous walk-in narratives / physical narrations of the following years. First of all , the relationship drama Domestic Bliss / Häusliches Glück , staged with the means of Film Noir , which Time's Up is staging as a small alternative to TwixtVille on the program of the European Capital of Culture Linz 2009 and in cooperation with the Australian artist Alex Davies in an apartment in Linz.

This is followed by a whole series of other physical narrations: 20 Seconds into the Future (2010), Stored in a Bank Vault (2011), Unattended Luggage (2012), Lucid Peninsula (2013), Tales of Resilience (2014) and Mind the Map (2015). With Turnton - on the sea (2016), a series of stories began a seaside town in the year 2047. In September 2017 showed Time's Up as a featured artist at the Ars Electronica Festival Turnton Docklands in Lentos Art Museum. This was followed by Cabinet of Futures (2018), Change was our only Chance (2019) and SeatoxDetox (2019/20).

Since 1998 Time's Up has been regularly involved in transnational collaboration projects on a European level. The collective from Linz initiated and leads two of these projects itself: PARN (2010) and Future Fabulators (2013) together with Lighthouse and Blast Theory from Brighton, AltArt from Cluj, FoaM and the M-ITI


Not only in transnational constellations with friendly groups and organizations, cooperation and collaboration traditionally have a high priority in Time's Up's work practice. Time's Up also seeks collaboration with individual artists. The partners and co-designers include Negativland, Staalplaat , Amorphic Robot Works, Matt Heckert, Nuoc Mam Dirndln, Amanda McDonald Crowley, Mara Dionisio, Bronwynn Mertz-Penzinger, Tanja Lattner, Ushi Reiter, David Moises, Marta Peirano, Alex Davies, Andreas Strauss , Julianne Pierce , Leo Schatzl , John Duncan , Astrid Benzer, Natalia Borissova, Monique Alvarez, Silke Müller, brainsalt and Alex Barth.

Workshops / symposia / lectures

Workshops, symposia and lectures serve in Time's Up's work to acquire artistic, academic, dramaturgical, technical and other knowledge or to share and further develop it in exchange and in community with others. Often the locations and partners are of a university nature. In the field of art and cultural work, Time's Up uses experimental scenario techniques for the playful development of narrative future worlds.


In addition to a continuously sent postcard, Time's Up's list of publications includes several books and sound productions: Closing the Loop (1998), Hypercompetitive Muzak for the Amateur CD (1999), Obsolete CD (1999), Anchortonic - 5.1 Audio DVD (2002 ), PARN (2013), On Turtles & Dragons (2012) and Futurish (2014). In 2018, a book for the 20th anniversary of the group was published by Revolver Publishing: Gappy & Kryptisch - Ambigous & incomplete , ISBN 978-3-95763-391-0 .

Web links


  1. ^ Arnd Wesemann, "The time is up", Frankfurter Rundschau September 18, 1997
  2. Gerfried Stocker and Christine Schöpf, "FleshFactor: Informationsmaschine Mensch", Springer Vienna, 1997.
  3. Gerfried Stocker and Christine Schöpf, "Next Sex: Sex in the age of its reproductive superfluity" Springer Vienna, 2000.
  4. ^ Weibel, Peter and Shaw, Jeffrey, "Future Cinema," MIT Press 2003.
  5. Ben Delaney, "Walking through a Virtual World" in Real Time Graphics Vol 9 No. 4, Oct / Nov 2000
  6. Luca Barbeni, "Un laboratorio de situaciones experimentales / A laboratory for experimental situation", in Aminima 11, pp 112-117, 2005
  7. ^ Project Page: Physical Narration
  8. Physical Narration: Physical Narration - WIKI
  9. Alex Davies: Domestic Bliss
  10. Discogs: Anchortronic: 5.1 Laboratory For Updating Experimental