Transpress publishing house

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Transpress publishing house
legal form GmbH
founding 1960
Seat Stuttgart , Germany
Branch Publishing

The Trans Press Verlag is since 1991 Paul Pietsch publishers belonging group publisher who on railway specializes -literature.


The publishing house was founded in 1960 as Transpress VEB publishing house for transport in Berlin . His publishing offer included books on traffic and communications , model making and philately and numismatics . Textbooks , monographs and lexicons made up a large proportion of this .

In 1991 the Paul Pietsch publishers took over the publishing house and moved it to Stuttgart in 1996. The publications have since concentrated on railway literature.

Individual evidence

  1. Hendrik Ammoser: University of Transportation Dresden - Glossary .
  2. ^ Paul Pietsch Verlage: Numbers, Facts, History .