Train path pricing system

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The path pricing system (TPS) of Deutsche Bahn AG is a system for pricing of train paths in the track network of DB Netz . Every train journey of a railway company (EVU) on the approximately 34,000 km long rail network is billed according to the TPS.

The TPS is the key system for pricing train journeys on German railway lines . Other railway infrastructure companies (especially in other countries) use different tariff systems for pricing journeys on the rail network.

In the 2009 financial year, DB Netz sold 989.8 million train-path kilometers. Of this, 170.3 million train-path kilometers were accounted for by railway companies that do not belong to the DB Group. 77% of the demand (including construction site traffic ) was accounted for by passenger traffic , the remainder by freight traffic . The company generated 3.887 billion euros (94%) of the annual turnover of 4.123 billion euros from train path charges. In 2010, railway companies in Germany paid train path charges totaling 5.2 billion euros.

In the 2012 financial year, DB Netz sold 1.037 billion train-path kilometers. Of this, 807 million were accounted for by DB's own RUs and 230 million (22%) by other railway companies. In the 2012 financial year, Deutsche Bahn's RUs paid train path charges of 3.396 billion euros. Of this total, 2.142 billion euros to DB Regio , 803 million euros to DB long-distance and 445 million euros to DB Schenker Rail . DB Netz expects to increase its train path revenues from an estimated 4.8 billion euros in 2013 to 5.3 billion euros (2017).

In order to increase competition on the railways, work was carried out over several years on a new train path pricing law. On January 17, 2018, the Federal Network Agency approved the charges and charging principles for the 2018/2019 timetable, which provides for fundamental changes compared to the previous price system. The " train path pricing system 2018" can thus come into force.

Pay system

The pricing within the train path pricing system (status: 2011) is based on the classification of the rail network into twelve route categories. Depending on the maximum permitted line speed, equipment and traffic use, the route network is divided into seven categories of long-distance routes, three categories of S-Bahn traffic and two categories of access routes. The base prices derived from this are (as of 2011) between 1.73 euros (S-Bahn route) and 8.55 euros (long-distance route for more than 280 km / h) per train kilometer (plus 19% sales tax in each case ). A timetable is usually made up of numerous route sections ( accurate to the meter ) that are priced accordingly. The resulting sum is multiplied by a factor for a train path product .

Depending on the priority and type of transport, the system contains nine train path products (five for passenger and four for freight). Our own train path products are available for intermittent traffic and for empty trains in freight traffic. The train path product factor is between 0.5 (feeder journey of a freight train) and 1.8 (highest priority passenger route).

Specific factors are particularly heavily used sections (1.2 times) is particularly slow trains (vehicle requires less than 50 km / h factor of 1.5) and weakly-utilized regional services (beyond regional factor from 1.00 to 1.91) are provided.

For trains with a total weight of more than 3000 t there is an additional surcharge of 0.94 euros per train-kilometer as a load component .

In addition to your own use of the rail infrastructure, the train path price also includes the processing of the train path request, the operational and technical coordination and security of train movements as well as the provision of information on traffic management.

The TPS is credited for main tracks and in stations for continuous main tracks , including the overtaking and crossing tracks required according to the timetable .

Other services, such as the non-acceptance of an offered train path, the cancellation of a train path that has been booked or inspections of rail operations are billed separately.

For the use of local infrastructure in stations and stops (eg sidings , sidings , electrants for the preheating unit, water spouts and others) applies the Facility Pricing System (APS) . Traffic stops at passenger train stations and stops operated by DB Station & Service are billed according to the station price system (SPS) . The traction energy required for electric journeys is also billed by DB Energie according to the traction current price system.


TPS 94

In July 1994, Deutsche Bahn introduced the TPS 94, the first train path pricing system in Europe.

The basic prices on which the system is based were formed by combining a route type and train type. Ten route categories were distinguished on the basis of route quality and traffic potential. Building on this, a distinction was made between seven train types for passenger transport and five for freight transport, depending on speed, weight and the required planning quality. The basic prices derived from the two criteria could also be varied by factors relating to punctuality and route wear (train weight).

Building on this, volume discounts of up to 20% were planned for long-distance, local and freight transport. The additional time discount granted was 6% (with the maximum contract term of five years).

In 1994, the average basic prices for long- distance passenger transport were DM 10.50  per train kilometer, for local transport DM 9.90 and freight transport DM 7.50. In the highest route class, an ICE was 28.50 DM, for an Interregio 23, 70 DM to be paid. The first stage of the rail reform , which came into force in 1994, provided for the full costs of the infrastructure, i.e. H. to generate the costs for their operation, administration, maintenance and annual depreciation through the track revenue. At the same time, the federal government should continue to pay the interest resulting from the infrastructure financing.

Critics complained, among other things, of the cross-subsidization of other modes of transport through high regional road prices. Furthermore, the discounts granted would have distorted competition; While the local transport division of Deutsche Bahn could claim discounts of around 13% for itself, all of the competitors on the market at the time could only have received a discount of 4%.

After these and other discussions, on January 1, 1995 (other source: July 1995), the train path pricing system was adjusted for the first time, which only affected local transport: the average local transport train path price rose from DM 9.90 to around DM 9 each Train kilometers reduced, a new tariff for newly introduced local transport (compared to the 1993/94 timetable period) created (5 DM per train kilometer), and volume discounts for local transport reduced to a maximum of 5%.

In mid-1997, the German Institute for Economic Research criticized the fact that in 1996 network costs of 13.5 billion DM were offset by revenues of only 7.1 billion DM. In long-distance passenger transport, only 83% of the costs were covered, in local passenger transport 97% and in freight transport 20%. The train path fees are thus calculated too low - contrary to contrary political criticism. The institute recommended aligning the train path prices with the cost of capital and abandoning the goal of full cost recovery . Due to a devaluation of the fixed assets from 100 to around 20 billion DM in the course of the 1994 rail reform, hardly any depreciation was incurred in the years 1994 to 1996. Furthermore, there was no regulation .

In 1997, the Railway Infrastructure Usage Ordinance emerged from multiple criticism .

TPS 98


In mid-1998 a new regulation of the train path pricing system came into force. A two-part price was introduced. Railway transport companies could purchase a route-related Infracard if they served a coherent network of 1,000 kilometers ( long-distance passenger traffic), 500 kilometers (freight traffic) or 100 kilometers ( local passenger traffic). In addition to the fixed costs of the card, holders received cheaper train path prices ( variable costs ). For pricing purposes, the route network was divided into six categories of performance (classes K1 to K6, mainly depending on the maximum permitted speed) and three load classes. Surcharges and discounts were also granted on the basis of the requested route, for introductory offers, particularly complex route constructions or particularly environmentally friendly vehicles. In addition, particularly inexpensive, pre-constructed roads were offered.

The price of the InfraCard was based on the scope and quality of the network used, the type of traffic and the duration of the contract. The pricing was based on the long-term costs, the cost of capital (depreciation and interest) and the costs of basic maintenance and operational management of a route. A further discount of a maximum of 10% was granted for the InfraCard , depending on the duration of the contract (up to ten years). The kilometer prices based on this did not contain any further discounts.

The alternative to the InfraCard was the VarioPreis , which provided a higher price per train kilometer instead of a basic fee .

According to Deutsche Bahn, this two-part price should create incentives for additional traffic as well as control efficiency of prices. At the same time, the cost structure of the route should be better taken into account. The introduction of load classes should also give greater consideration to the load situation. Overall, the price level was chosen in such a way that overall cost coverage was to be achieved by DB Netz, whereby relief in the course of the rail structural reform (e.g. according to BSchwAG ) was not taken into account. As a result of the productivity gains achieved in previous years, the price level could be lowered overall.

If competing train path requests could not be resolved otherwise, the TPS 98 provided for a maximum price procedure. The enquirer should be assigned a route used by several enquirers who would have been willing to pay the highest price above the level of the TPS 98.

According to a media report, the train path price for freight trains was not allowed to exceed 1.50 euros per train-kilometer, as DB Cargo would otherwise not have been able to be founded.


After (at least in the freight transport sector) only DB's own transport companies were able to take advantage of the price advantage of the InfraCard tariff due to their high transport performance, complaints arose at the Federal Cartel Office . Its investigations showed that competing companies of the DB had to pay train path prices that were 25% to 40% higher than the group's own companies. The authority saw this as legally inadmissible discrimination. After talks with the Federal Cartel Office, Deutsche Bahn announced in the late summer of 2000 the introduction of a single-stage, linear train path pricing system with uniform train path prices for all rail transport companies on January 1, 2001.

Critics doubted, however, whether in the first quarter of 2001 TPS 98 levied train path charges are legal. The regional court (on June 19, 2002) and the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court (on February 19, 2003) rejected a lawsuit brought by DB Netz AG after a railway company had reduced its train path costs by the difference between the 2001 and 1998 train path pricing systems. The pricing referring to TPS 98 is void due to the violation of the antitrust prohibition of discrimination . The defendant had to pay an approximately 130% higher usage fee to DB Cargo AG . The Higher Regional Court did not allow an appeal ; Deutsche Bahn then lodged a non-admission complaint with the Federal Court of Justice . This was rejected on February 10, 2004. Until then, several freight transport companies had initiated proceedings to reclaim excessive charges. The DB Netz AG accused in the same case against another private rail freight company before the District Court of Berlin ; the proceedings were started after the above BGH decision.

At the beginning of 2005, several proceedings initiated by private railways against DB Netz for the repayment of overpaid train path prices were running before various regional courts. In the same year, the Berlin Regional Court dismissed an injunction and revocation action brought by DB Netz AG against an association which, in the headline of a press release, said that DB Netz AG had "collected" excessive train-path charges from private users. In the same year, the same court upheld a private railway's lawsuit for repayment of overpaid train-path charges. According to the network of private railways , around a dozen other such repayment suits were pending at the time. On September 21, 2005, the Frankfurt am Main regional court sentenced DB Netz AG to repay excessive train path fees to a private railway company in the amount of more than 400,000 euros. This corresponded to the difference between the amounts paid according to TPS 98 and those that would have arisen if TPS 01 had been applied retrospectively.

TPS 2001

On April 1, 2001, a new train path pricing system was introduced under the name TPS 2001 . It no longer showed any degressive price advantages for bulk buyers. The average price level remained unchanged, although smaller companies in particular should benefit from reallocations. A basic price (seven route categories) between DM 2.90 and DM 6.60 per train-path kilometer was multiplied by one of seven product factors (0.5 to 1.8) and, if necessary, special factors (e.g. excess loading gauge ). This single-stage basic structure of the TPS 2001 has been preserved until today (status: 2010). Only individual factors of the modular system were changed.

The presentation of the new system was postponed from January 1, 2001 to April 1, 2001; the system was to be introduced retrospectively from January 1, 2001 on that date.

The Duisburg Regional Court (2005), confirmed by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court (2007), declared the charging of surcharges for amendment and short-term orders within the framework of the TPS 2001 to be inadmissible under railway law. The Administrative Court of Cologne (2006), confirmed by the Higher Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia (2007), also declared the charging of surcharges for special routes to be inadmissible. Transport companies competing with Deutsche Bahn saw themselves disadvantaged by discounts for feeder routes for freight transport from which they could not have benefited.

The 2001 train path pricing system complies with the legal requirements for fixed charges under the General Railway Act (AEG) and the Railway Infrastructure Usage Ordinance (EIBV) and was still in place in 2015.

Further development

On March 18, 2002, Deutsche Bahn announced the introduction of regional factors. The train path prices on a total of 14,000 km (37%) of the rail network should therefore increase by an average of 30% from 2003 onwards.

In October 2003 the Federal Railway Authority forbade Deutsche Bahn to take into account its own “construction priorities” when allocating train paths. In particular, existing train paths should not lead to the rejection of train path requests from competing companies. Such grandfather rights are inadmissible. In 2004 and 2005, however, the Cologne Administrative Court and the North Rhine-Westphalia Higher Regional Court confirmed the admissibility of such priority routes as one of five design priorities in DB Netz's timetable design .

The so-called maximum price procedure , in which a controversial train path is auctioned to the highest bidder , was not used for the 2004 and 2005 annual timetables.

On December 12, 2004, DB Netz introduced a 10 percent surcharge for so-called special train paths . The company justified this with the higher construction costs for such routes compared to standard routes. Following a complaint from various private railway transport companies, the Federal Railway Authority banned the levying of the surcharge by decision of December 23, 2004.

As of December 10, 2006, train path prices rose by an average of 3.2% to 4.2%, depending on demand; occasionally increased by up to 9%. At the same time, it was no longer possible to cancel train paths ordered up to two months in advance free of charge.

For the 2008 annual timetable, DB Netz AG adjusted its pricing system for the use of train paths and service facilities. In order to achieve better utilization, for example, a surcharge is levied on certain routes for those vehicles that, due to their design, cannot drive faster than 50 km / h (“incentive system to increase performance”). There is also an “incentive system to reduce disruptions”, in which delay minutes are recorded and the corresponding responsibilities are also financially named and billed.

In the course of the system, 20% of the train paths assigned in the network timetable are considered; these must be reported by the respective railway company about two months before the timetable change. The railway companies are daily over (here the rest of the sentence is missing). In passenger transport, trains are on time up to a delay of 5 minutes and 59 seconds (measured en route), in freight transport up to 30 minutes and 59 seconds (measured at the end point). The S-Bahn Berlin and Hamburg , occasional trains or trains with a special timetable ( e.g. train control ) are not taken into account. The railway companies receive daily evaluations of the delays and the associated causes and can submit an application for recoding within three days. In a year-end statement, the punctuality achieved is compared with defined target values. If the target value is missed by more than 1%, a calculation or reimbursement will be made. For days on which the punctuality target was missed, the delay minutes between DB Netz and the RU concerned are offset against each other. The difference will be invoiced or reimbursed at EUR 0.10 per minute of delay. More than 10 million minutes of delay per year will not be reimbursed.

For the timetable change on December 13, 2009, DB implemented a decision from the Federal Network Agency dated April 6 of the same year and introduced an automatic reduction in train path charges in the train path pricing system in the event of travel time extensions due to infrastructural deficiencies.

By decision of March 5, 2010, the Federal Network Agency declared the regional factors of the train path pricing system to be invalid and DB was prohibited from collecting them from December 12, 2010. The authority sees the regional factors as an unlawful obstacle to network access; the collection of the surcharges is not factually comprehensible. The regional factors made train path prices for local rail transport more expensive in rural areas up to 1.91 times the regular train path price, which affects DB competitors in particular. In August 2010, DB Netz AG reached a settlement with the Federal Network Agency, according to which the regional factors will be abolished from December 11, 2011. The regional factors will be partially reduced as early as 2011. According to the Federal Network Agency, surcharges were requested for routes that were not justifiable. On October 1, 2014, the Frankfurt am Main regional court upheld a lawsuit brought by the Saxony municipal railway against the regional surcharges demanded in 2011 and sentenced Deutsche Bahn to repay almost 4 million euros. According to the BAG-SPNV , 27 such lawsuits are running nationwide with a total volume of 41 million euros. In addition, there are out-of-court negotiations for 120 million euros, 110 million of which in the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

The federal government advocates (as of July 2010) a noise-dependent design of train path prices. The Federal Ministry of Transport has commissioned an expert report on this, the final report of which is to be presented in September 2010. Proponents of such a solution refer to the steering effect of such a solution on the railway companies.

At the timetable change on December 12, 2010, the train path prices of DB Netz were raised by an average of 1.8%. Between 2005 and 2010, the average train-path charge per train-kilometer in Germany rose by 19% in freight transport, by 11% in local rail transport and 7% in local rail transport. The general rate of inflation during this period was 8%, the producer price index rose by 10% and the railway infrastructure input price index by 7%.

In the 2013 network timetable, DB Netz claims that it is the first time that railway transport companies are compensating costs on four selected corridors that arise from construction-related detours.

In its coalition agreement in 2009, the federal government agreed to introduce incentive regulations for train path and station prices. The amendment of the railway regulation law is (status: October 2011) according to the Federal Government in work. A draft for the Railway Regulation Act in 2011 provided for, among other things, the approval of train path prices by the Federal Network Agency . This should also change the rules for wage formation. The associations were heard in mid-2015. Competitors of Deutsche Bahn criticized the revised draft in 2012. According to this, around two-thirds of the costs should remain outside the regulatory authority's control, for example maintenance costs. The question of how much profit DB Netz AG should actually generate is also a matter of dispute . According to internal documents, the law serves to slow down efforts by the European Commission to organizationally separate network and operation. The law, which was redesigned in favor of the company due to the extensive influence of Deutsche Bahn, was passed on July 7, 2016 by the German Bundestag.

The European Commission is considering obliging European railway infrastructure companies, in order to improve the competitiveness of the railways, to initially set train path prices according to marginal costs and to increase these gradually up to full costs.

At the timetable change in December 2011, the train path prices were increased by an average of another 2.56%. The price increase for freight transport routes is 1.2% lower than for long-distance passenger transport (2.9%). At the same time, cancellation and change fees are reduced. In addition, empty train routes for passenger transport were abolished. The regional factors, which are also omitted, should be replaced by higher basic prices in some route categories, unless another contractual agreement has been reached with the federal states concerned by June 30, 2011.

According to the Deutsche Bahn, the charges in the 2014 train path pricing system are to be increased by 2.8%.

From the end of 2014, the route prices for the use of the Katzenberg tunnel are to be adjusted so that there is no longer any incentive for freight trains to use the old route in this area.

Train path pricing system 2018

With the timetable change on December 10, 2017, a fundamentally changed train path price system came into effect with the train path price system 2018 . The introduction was initially planned for December 2016 (as the train path pricing system 2017 ).

This is intended to be adapted to European law. According to this, every train should at least cover the costs it incurs - these make up less than a third of the costs at DB Netz - and overhead costs should be based on the carrying capacity of the individual transports. Instead of the infrastructure, the pricing within the 2017 train path pricing system should focus on the characteristics of the traffic. To this end, a distinction should first be made between the types of transport - freight transport, long-distance and local rail passenger transport - and, based on this, a distinction should be made between market segments . There are three price components: direct costs of train operation (probably around 30% of the train path price), a full cost surcharge ( Ramsey prices , differentiated according to an estimated 16 groups) and other elements (e.g. noise reduction or promotion of new trains).

The following market segments are planned:

  • Long-distance traffic: traffic between “ metropolitan stations ”, empty / locomotive trips, charter / museum traffic , differentiation according to time of day
  • Local traffic: central and local traffic (in or outside a 50 km radius around metropolitan railway stations), differentiation according to time of day (6 a.m. - 8 p.m. / 8 p.m. - 6 a.m.)
  • Freight transport: very heavy trains (over 3,000 t in weight), dangerous goods trains, standard trains, local goods transport, locomotive journeys

From November 2014 to April 2015, a market consultation took place with 14 customer events and 65 written statements.

The Federal Network Agency approved the new train path pricing system with conditions. It is planned to relieve freight traffic at the expense of long-distance traffic. A shift from empty to load segments is still to be provided for in regional traffic.

In February 2019, the Federal Network Agency approved the charges for the 2019/2020 network timetable period. The charges for point-to-point connections in long-distance passenger rail transport, which are used in particular by long-distance passenger rail transport, were reduced.

Noise addiction

On December 9, 2012, the noise-dependent train path pricing system (LaTPS) for rail freight transport came into force.

The introduction of this noise component provides for an agreement in principle concluded on July 5, 2011 between Deutsche Bahn and the Federal Ministry of Transport. Vehicles with " whisper brakes " pay a lower fee, vehicles without such brakes a higher one. This should reduce the noise pollution in the medium term by 10  dB (A) . The expansion of the train path pricing system is financed in equal parts by Deutsche Bahn and the Federal Ministry of Transport.

Car owners receive a subsidy of 0.7 cents per axle-kilometer (up to 422 euros per axle) for retrofits that have taken place since December 9, 2012. Since the same time, a surcharge of 1% has been levied on the train path price if a freight train is not classified as "quiet". This classification depends on the proportion of TSI-compliant wagons on the train, which was initially 80% and will gradually be increased to 100%.

After the International Union of Railways created the prerequisites for the approval of the LL brake block on June 30, 2013, a one percent surcharge on the train path price has been levied on "loud" freight trains since June 1, 2013. In contrast to the previous key point agreement between DB and the Federal Ministry of Transport, this only addresses railway transport companies. The reason given by DB was the EU's concerns about state aid. On June 1, 2014, the noise-dependent train path charge component (LaTPS) for loud freight trains was increased from 1.0% to 1.5%. As of December 14, 2014 there was an increase to 2.0%; Also since this date, the proportion of "quiet" wagons from which a freight train is considered "quiet" has been increased from 80% to 90%. The surcharge was increased from 2.5% to 3.0% on December 11, 2016, to 4.0% in December 2017, to 5.5% in December 2018 and to 7% in December 2019.

In the first year of validity, the noise-dependent train path charge generated 3.7 million euros. A total of 1820 bonus applications were received for 2012/2013. According to DB information, after the first year of validity, 8% of the train path kilometers for freight trains are already "quiet".

The proceeds and funds from the Federal Ministry of Transport are to be used to raise around 300 million euros (half of each) by 2020 in order to equip 180,000 freight wagons with quieter brakes. The amount of the subsidy depends on the mileage of the car on the DB rail network. The conversion of a four-axle freight wagon is funded with up to 1,688 euros per axle.

In 2011, DB Netz planned to significantly increase the train path prices for noisy freight trains when the 2021/2022 timetable came into force, which should take into account the effects of train operations on the environment. This should ensure the long-term effectiveness of the noise abatement program, which will run until 2020. A law that prohibits the operation of loud freight wagons on the German rail network from December 2020 was approved by the Federal Cabinet in December 2016.

Since the timetable change on December 9, 2012, railway companies have received a mileage-dependent bonus of 0.5 cents per axle-kilometer or up to EUR 211 per axle, as long as the values ​​of the technical specification for noise interoperability are complied with.


The company expects train-path kilometers to increase by 15% between 2013 and 2030, to more than 1.15 billion.

DB Netz announced that it intends to generate 557 million euros in additional revenue from train path charges in 2019 compared to 2017. That would be around 10% more than the average for the years 2014 to 2016. In mid-2017, the Federal Network Agency set the starting level of costs for the first regulatory period: It is around 4.5% above the level of the charges approved for 2018. DB Netz had previously reported costs of around 6 billion euros to the authorities that it had checked and reduced to 5.3 billion euros. The cuts mainly related to the claimed capital costs and cost forecasts.

From July 2018, the train path prices for freight traffic were roughly halved. According to information from DB Cargo , train path prices account for 15% of transport costs.


Situation in 2012

The Federal Network Agency considered the incentive system to reduce disruptions and increase performance to be unsuitable for improving punctuality on the rail network. According to an evaluation for the 2010 annual timetable, most of the delay minutes were caused by DB Netz. Railway transport companies also criticize the fact that the cost and benefit are disproportionate. The Monopolies Commission proposes an incentive regulation for the rail network.

The Federal Network Agency demands (as of December 2011) additional skills in order to be able to ensure more competition. If the authority has so far only been able to intervene in the event of a specific suspicion of abuse, it is necessary for an effective control to gain insight into documents that are necessary for checking the conditions of use, regardless of specific incidents. At the same time, the authority is calling for a much stronger control of the financial flows between the DB group holding company and DB Netz AG . At the end of May 2012, the Federal Network Agency made a formal request for information in order to get a detailed insight into the pricing. The aim is to check whether the prices are justified and to create the opportunity to thoroughly examine complaints from competitors. A separation of network and operation is not mandatory, but a "robust supervision" is necessary.

Public transport authorities in local and regional transport criticize the growing share of train path and station charges in operating costs. Since the regionalization funds would not keep pace with these increases, the percentage share of train path and station charges in the available budget is growing continuously and thus jeopardizing the further expansion of local public transport.

In a survey of railway companies by the Federal Network Agency , the RUs were comparatively satisfied with the price-performance ratio for train paths and saw the second greatest non-discrimination of all RIU pricing systems.

Development from 2018

Further systems of rail infrastructure pricing

The handling of the rail toll is different in individual countries. Holland has suspended the rail toll for the time being. In Austria, an infrastructure usage fee (IBE) must be paid for access to the rail infrastructure in accordance with Section 10a of the Railway Act. In accordance with the requirements of the EU, the IBE is paid by the ÖBB Sales Department to the ÖBB Infrastructure Department and is used to finance the maintenance or renewal of the infrastructure.

In Switzerland, an infrastructure usage fee is charged for trains that use a route whose infrastructure is entitled to compensation, as well as for trains belonging to sections entitled to compensation that use a railway line of the Swiss Federal Railways , in accordance with the provisions of the Railway Network Access Ordinance of 25 November 1998.

A new train path pricing system is to be introduced in Switzerland on January 1, 2017. Among other things, a wear factor to take into account the vehicle-specific wear and tear of the infrastructure is to be introduced.

In Austria, a new system for the infrastructure usage fee (IBE), which will apply from December 2017, was presented in April 2016.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b DB Netz AG (Ed.): Annual Report 2009 ( PDF file , 2.2 MB), p. 9 f., P. 24, 45.
  2. a b c German Bundestag (ed.): Activity report 2010 of the Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railways for the railways sector in accordance with Section 14b of the General Railway Act and statement by the Federal Government (PDF; 1.5 MB). BT-Drs. 17/8525 of January 30, 2012, pp. 22-24.
  3. Deutsche Bahn AG (Ed.): Annual Report 2012 (=  Annual Report . Volume 2012 ). 2012, ZDB -ID 2117244-4 , p. 63, 86 ( online [PDF]). Annual Report 2012 ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ↑ The rail network should generate more profit . Handelsblatt online, August 17, 2013.
  5. a b c d e f g h i DB Netz AG (Ed.): The train path pricing system of DB Netz AG . Brochure as of April 2010.
  6. a b c d e f Dagmar Haase: The new train path pricing system of the Deutsche Bahn AG . In: Internationales Verkehrwesen , Issue 10/1998, pp. 460–465.
  7. a b c d e f g h Track prices from Deutsche Bahn AG - non-discriminatory and cost-covering? . In: German Institute for Economic Research (Ed.): Weekly report . Volume 64, No. 26/97, June 26, 1997, ISSN  0012-1304 , pp. 457-462.
  8. a b Report on the new train path pricing system . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , Issue 9/1998, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 340.
  9. ^ Arnold Berndt: Discrimination trap for train path prices? . In: Internationales Verkehrwesen, issue 5/2001, pp. 199–202.
  10. Günter Knieps: The new train path pricing system: economic advantages of a two-tier system . In: Internationales Verkehrwesen , issue 10/1998, pp. 465–470.
  11. Hans Leister: Halving the DB train path prices: a real option for 2015 . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International . No. 5 , 2013, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 255-258 .
  12. a b Roman J. Brauner: Appeal judgment in the train path price dispute - or "On eternal defeat" . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 6/2003, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 278 f.
  13. Message linear train path pricing system . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 10/2000, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 426.
  14. Roman J. Brauner, Michael Sattler: Train path pricing systems of the DB - for the legal handling of the past . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 10/2001, ISSN  1421-2811 , pp. 462–464.
  15. ^ A b c d Roman J. Brauner, Bernd H. Uhlenhut: Track price dispute II - 2: for private railways? . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 10/2004, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 479.
  16. ↑ Train path price dispute: wave of reclaims gets underway . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 5/2003, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 194.
  17. a b Bernd Uhlenhut: DB Netz AG and freedom of expression . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 5/2005, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 244.
  18. Notification of complaint rejected . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 5/2004, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 194.
  19. ^ Roman J. Brauner: traction current price systems illegal . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 3/2005, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 144 f.
  20. Report DB Netz is defeated in the dispute over train path prices . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 10/2005, p. 450.
  21. ^ Report DB Netz condemned again . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 11/2005, p. 511.
  22. a b New train path pricing system from DB Netz AG . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 5/2001, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 229.
  23. Notification of new train path pricing system later . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 2/2001, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 50 f.
  24. ^ Roman J. Brauner: train path pricing system of DB Netz AG illegal . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 12/2008, ISSN  1421-2811 , p. 618 f.
  25. a b c d e f Mario Theis: Further development of the train path pricing system . In: Your train . tape 43 , no. 7 , 2015, ISSN  0172-4479 , p. 40-45 .
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