Trumeau (mirror)

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A trumeau is a wall mirror attached to a pillar between two wall openings. The pillar itself is also known as the Trumeau.

Trumeau (center) over a console support.
Trumeau over a Trumeau chest.
Trumeau over a fireplace.


Wall mirrors that are attached to a pillar between two wall openings (windows, doors) are known as Trumeaux (outdated: Trümeaux), pillar mirrors or Trumeau mirrors . Depending on the wall surface, they are usually narrow and high and can range from knee height to the ceiling. They are often placed over a wall table, fireplace, or cabinet called a trumeau box. Drawer cabinets of this type are also known as pillar chests of drawers . Trumeaux enjoyed great popularity in the 18th and 19th centuries.


language Singular Plural
German the trumeau (pronunciation: trümóh [try'mo:]), the pillar mirror the Trumeaus (pronunciation: trümóhs [try'mo: s]), the pillar mirrors
English pier glass, pier-glass, trumeau, trumeau mirror pier glasses, pier-glasses, trumeaux, trumeau mirrors
French le trumeau les trumeaux
Italian il trumeau, il trumò le trumeau, le trumò
Russian трюмо трюмо

Word origin

The word trumeau comes from the French word trumeau , which means a pillar between two wall openings. It is related to the German word Trumm (plural: Trümmer) with the basic meaning "large piece".


  • Salvatore Battaglia : Grande dizionario della lingua italiana , Volume 21, Turin 2002.
  • Tullio de Mauro (editor): Grande dizionario italiano dell'uso , Volume 6, Turin 2000.
  • Ursula Kraif (adaptation): Duden, the great foreign dictionary: origin and meaning of foreign words , Mannheim 2007.
  • PW Hartmann: The large art dictionary by PW Hartmann , ( online ).
  • Grand Larousse de la langue française , Volume 7, Paris 1978.
  • John. A. Simpson (Editor): The Oxford English Dictionary , Volume 18, Oxford 1989.
  • Pierer's Universal Lexikon , Volume 17, Altenburg 1863 ( Online ).

Web links

Commons : Trumeaux  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Duden 2007 .
  2. Hartmann 1996 ; Pierer 1863 .
  3. Wikipedia (English): Trumeau mirror , Pier glass ; Oxford 1989 .
  4. Wiktionnaire (French): trumeau ; Larousse 1978 .
  5. ^ Dizionario of the University of Genoa ; Battaglia 2002 ; de Mauro 2000 .
  6. Викисловарь (Russian): трюмо
  7. ^ Wiktionary (German): Trumm ; Wiktionnaire (French): trumeau .